*~*~*~*Official AMCAS "Work/Activities" Tips Thread 2012-2013*~*~*~*

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Is the order you put in your work activity= the same order it will appear on the application? Or is it alphabetical or listed by "most important" ?

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Hey everyone, quick question. I did an unpaid internship for course credit at a psychiatric hospital for 5 weeks one summer. How should I list this in AMCAS?

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All of them sound like interesting projects that I would include if you have room. I would start condensing the older activities (like during your undergrad) to save room if you need it. I also agree with the bolded

Thanks- any thoughts on the fact that almost all of my paid work experience IS research? I really wish we could double tag things.
I was wondering what I should put down under "Experience Name" for a research experience. Should I just put down "Summer Research", "Student Research", or something generic like that, or should I put down the name of the project?
You could do that, or you could pick a tiltle more evocative of the depth of your role, like Summer Research Aide (you're a goffer), Summer Research Assistant (you have some responsibility), Summer Researcher (where you're in charge/have major creative input). You could add to the end of the title: Smith Lab.
Who do you list as the contact if your supervisor has left? No one else barely knows me b/c it's an NGO so the turnover rate is ridiculous high.
Who do you list as the contact if your supervisor has left? No one else barely knows me b/c it's an NGO so the turnover rate is ridiculous high.
A coworker? The office that keeps track of volunteers or employees, whichever you were? A friend who knows you engaged in the activity? Your mom?
I volunteered at the American Cancer Society (relay for life, and some fundraising events). Should I put this as volunteer medical/clinical, or non-medical? I was never in a hospital or clinic, but it is a medical organization.

Also does shadowing go under extracurriculars/hobbies?
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Who do you list as the contact if your supervisor has left? No one else barely knows me b/c it's an NGO so the turnover rate is ridiculous high.

I'm just putting the current volunteer coordinator/supervisor. I assume I'm still in their volunteer hour logs or somewhere. If not, then I guess ADCOMs will call me out for lying or something. I'm sure there are thousands of kids who volunteered at places so long ago that nobody there remembers them.
Hello quick question. It seems like everybody is putting their hobbies into only 1 of the 15 slots. However, if I have three drastically different hobbies (political activist, tae kwon do, cooking) should these three still be in the same 1/15 slot? Thanks! :)

depends if you are running out of slots and have no choice BUT to group them.

what is your situation?
Actually, if I use different slots for all of them, I will have about 8 slots by the end of my application. Do you think that the medical schools will think I'm silly if I try to use separate slots? I would like to talk about each separately since they mean a lot to me.

Then list them separately. No one will hold it against you.

As I mentioned before, people group because they try to fit so much crap in there they have no choice but to group.
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I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I couldn't really find anything addressing this in the first 8 pages of the thread.

How do I lump similar activities if we are only given one start date-end date entry field? I have a bunch of clinically-related volunteering activities that I would like to group together, but I'm not sure how to go about doing this.

Is it okay if I don't list one of my activities I deem as most meaningful as "most meaningful" if I write a little about it in my personal statement? That way I can write about different things.
Hello quick question. It seems like everybody is putting their hobbies into only 1 of the 15 slots. However, if I have three drastically different hobbies (political activist, tae kwon do, cooking) should these three still be in the same 1/15 slot? Thanks! :)
Group them. Hobbies shouldn't be taking up three slots
regarding shadowing--what's the consensus here? Just list? Or try to group them and write a little blurb on your experiences?
I had two abstracts/1 paper in progress with one group
1 abstract/2 papers submitted with another
1 abstract/ 1 paper in progress with another
1 abstract/ 1 paper in progress with another

:laugh: as you can see I'm super confused since there is so much to sift through, i'll figure out hopefully, thanks :thumbup:

assuming I did this for each title would I say "Research in ______ at University X"?

and would I create a different a separate entry for the highest publication in each experience? Sorry I'm getting confused here
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I'm not sure what to do- I worked in retail the first summer after college, at Victoria's secret. I liked the job, and learned a ton about customer service and how to deal with people, but everyone I mention it to laughs! I'm not sure if I want to put this on my application, but it also leaves a bit of a hole in my app if I don't.

Any advice?
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I volunteered at the American Cancer Society (relay for life, and some fundraising events). Should I put this as volunteer medical/clinical, or non-medical? I was never in a hospital or clinic, but it is a medical organization.
Non-medical community service
Also does shadowing go under extracurriculars/hobbies?
See FAQ #10
I'm sorry if this has been asked before but I couldn't really find anything addressing this in the first 8 pages of the thread.

How do I lump similar activities if we are only given one start date-end date entry field? I have a bunch of clinically-related volunteering activities that I would like to group together, but I'm not sure how to go about doing this.

I went back and edited the FAQ #4 to give an example of how to do this. Let us know if you have further questions
regarding shadowing--what's the consensus here? Just list? Or try to group them and write a little blurb on your experiences?
Shadowing is a "just list" kind of thing, grouping all shadowing together in a single entry. If you saw something cool then you can put it down (i.e. shadowed during some cool surgery, saw a delivery, etc) then you can add a brief sentence
what do you put as the title for your research experiences? Something like Researcher in X lab?
assuming I did this for each title would I say "Research in ______ at University X"?

and would I create a different a separate entry for the highest publication in each experience? Sorry I'm getting confused here
So you have worked in 4 different research labs (not just on 4 different projects in the same lab) and have a presentation at each one? (It doesn't look like you have anything you could list under the "Publication" heading for AMCAS purposes since none of your papers are published)

That is a lot of research :laugh:

Are all the abstracts PubMed searchable?
I'm not sure what to do- I worked in retail the first summer after college, at Victoria's secret. I liked the job, and learned a ton about customer service and how to deal with people, but everyone I mention it to laughs! I'm not sure if I want to put this on my application, but it also leaves a bit of a hole in my app if I don't.

Any advice?
That is a pretty fun one. I'm going to leave this one for Catalystik to respond to:)
Has this been addressed yet?
No :oops:

I don't really have a good answer so I've putting off answering it.

If you're grouping stuff together, then you need to give a vague enough title to include all of the activities.

If you just have one activity in a slot, then you have more freedom. I would make the title specific, concise, and accurate to the activity. If you've got that, then you'll be fine. I personally think that the title is one of the least important parts. I would worry far more about your personal statement and conveying the right tone and message in the descriptions and "most meaningful" paragraphs
So you have worked in 4 different research labs (not just on 4 different projects in the same lab) and have a presentation at each one? (It doesn't look like you have anything you could list under the "Publication" heading for AMCAS purposes since none of your papers are published)

That is a lot of research :laugh:

Are all the abstracts PubMed searchable?

uh not sure? And it's clinical research with 4 different "PI's" I guess. I think one is pubmed searchable not sure about the others
I've been volunteering at a clinic as a medical assistant for about seven months, but I also spend a lot of time shadowing the doctors that work there. I'm listing the time as volunteer clinical experience but will adcoms also count it as shadowing if I explain that I spend time shadowing the doctors?

How would you list contributing to a documentary film on the history of MRI technology? It's definitely medically related and the film is available, but it's obviously not a publication.

Thanks in advance!
If I put myself as a contact for my hobby, what title do I give myself? :eyebrow:
Is it not recommended to list an award as "most meaningful." It was awarded to me from my secondary major's (French) department for excellence work. Obviously, my highlight isn't the award itself, but the experiences I've had with my professors and fellow classmates and all that I've learned and a maturation of intellect, if you will. I was never involved in a French Club or French-related organization on campus, but my work in French has truly impacted me personally and intellectually.
I'll throw one more question. How should I address a gap in research from 01/12 - 05/12? I was in contact with the professors and TA's but didn't actually go in the lab.
I'm not sure what to do- I worked in retail the first summer after college, at Victoria's secret. I liked the job, and learned a ton about customer service and how to deal with people, but everyone I mention it to laughs! I'm not sure if I want to put this on my application, but it also leaves a bit of a hole in my app if I don't.

Any advice?
I'd look at Victoria's Secret as being a fairly mainstream job like any other place in a mall. Don't be sensitive; just list it. There aren't a lot of college students on adcomms (read, none) to giggle about it.
1) I've been volunteering at a clinic as a medical assistant for about seven months, but I also spend a lot of time shadowing the doctors that work there. I'm listing the time as volunteer clinical experience but will adcoms also count it as shadowing if I explain that I spend time shadowing the doctors?

2) How would you list contributing to a documentary film on the history of MRI technology? It's definitely medically related and the film is available, but it's obviously not a publication.
1) Don't make assumptions as we've seen it backfire on applicants and the Shadowing missed. I suggest you use the word Shadowing in the title of the activity along with Medical Assistant. And use the word again in your description. Also estimate the percent time that was shadowing alone.

Alternatively, carve out the shadowing hours and list them on their own under Other, and subtract those hours from the volunteer aspect of the activity.

2) you didn't say how you contributed. You might list it under Artistic Endeavor, Other, or Hobbies/Avocations, depending.
Is it not recommended to list an award as "most meaningful." It was awarded to me from my secondary major's (French) department for excellence work. Obviously, my highlight isn't the award itself, but the experiences I've had with my professors and fellow classmates and all that I've learned and a maturation of intellect, if you will. I was never involved in a French Club or French-related organization on campus, but my work in French has truly impacted me personally and intellectually.
From what you describe, I think the choice seems appropriate. Alternatively, you'd list the whole thing under Other, and mention the award in the narrative. I think it will have more punch to put it under Awards, though, giving yourself more space by picking it as "Most Meaningful.".
I'll throw one more question. How should I address a gap in research from 01/12 - 05/12? I was in contact with the professors and TA's but didn't actually go in the lab.
I see no point in calling attention to it by providing an explanation. Just put in "Hiatus 1/12-5/12" in the narrative for the activity (unless the reason is really interesting and/or adds to your application).
It would help to know the hobby. Cook? Fitness Expert? Distance Runner? Craft master? Chess Novice?

I have two - I'm an avid cruciverbalist (crossword puzzle enthusiast) and singer/songwriter.
I am trying to list presentations and publications together using "Publications" as the category choice. But when you print it to PDF or HTML, it doesn't list them it just makes it into one big paragraph (example below):

1. Doe J, et al. Title. Blah Blah.
2. Doe J, et al. Title. Blah Blah.


1. Doe J, et al. Title. Blah Blah. 2. Doe J, et al. Title. Blah Blah.

So how are we supposed to cite publications and presentations if it appears like this? It just looks like on ridiculous blob of text instead of a series of citations...
How would I list my Senior Honors Thesis on AMCAS? Would this be its own entry or would I group it in with my general undergraduate research entry? I'm applying to MD/PhD programs, so I assume that a thesis would be relatively more important for these than for MD only programs
I have two - I'm an avid cruciverbalist (crossword puzzle enthusiast) and singer/songwriter.
Then you could (among many other choices) list your title as "Cruciverbalist and Singer/Songwriter" or some such, unless you can come up with a scholarly term that is inclusive of both of the latter.
I am trying to list presentations and publications together using "Publications" as the category choice. But when you print it to PDF or HTML, it doesn't list them it just makes it into one big paragraph (example below):

1. Doe J, et al. Title. Blah Blah.
2. Doe J, et al. Title. Blah Blah.


1. Doe J, et al. Title. Blah Blah. 2. Doe J, et al. Title. Blah Blah.

So how are we supposed to cite publications and presentations if it appears like this? It just looks like on ridiculous blob of text instead of a series of citations...
Presumably, you are making one hard return after the first entry? Try using two hard returns after a listing, and check the print preview in PDF format only, as that is how it appears to adcomms. If that doesn't solve the problem, report back, so that others might chime in with solutions. Sector9 has recent experience with this.
How would I list my Senior Honors Thesis on AMCAS? Would this be its own entry or would I group it in with my general undergraduate research entry? I'm applying to MD/PhD programs, so I assume that a thesis would be relatively more important for these than for MD only programs
If Research is a "Most Meaningful" activity for you, then you may well have plenty of space to discuss the thesis in the same space, but if you want to highlight the Experience and have the space to do it, most would put a thesis project under "Other."
14. How do I answer the "average hours per week" for this activity question when I did a different number of hours each week?
You can always use your total hours and divide by the number of weeks you were involved. If you don't know your total hours, then give your best guess and explain the variability of the activity in the description.

So from 08-12/11, I have 56 hours of shadowing a doctor on one day. 08 to 12 is 20 weeks. 56/20 is 2.8 hours a week. Should I just put the total number of hours in the description or just leave it as 2.5 hours a week?
Sorry, thought of a few more (random) questions:

1. How frowned upon is it to list international shadowing, such as in Asia? What about shadowing dentists? (It helped me realize I DON'T want to be one, but should I include this under shadowing?)

2. I realized AMCAS automatically orders the activities in chronological order- but my earliest activity is actually my hobby (I've started it since I was 5). I don't know how adcoms will feel about me if the first thing they read is my hobby...

3. Why is the earliest to submit this year 6/5 and not 6/1?
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Who cares, I'm so happy it's 6/5. Gives me more time!
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