~*~*~*~*~Official Pre-Dental Personal Statement Reader List 2018-2019~*~*~*~*~

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DDS 🦷🎓✔
Volunteer Staff
7+ Year Member
Dec 25, 2016
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NOTE: THIS IS FOR PRE-DENTS! Pre-med students, we will not be able to help you out much! Refer here for your list!
Inspired by Pre-Allo's List
Link to last year's thread

Hey guys! Happy early Easter :happy: Seeing as the next cycle is just about two months away, and how there have been posts asking for readers, I thought it'd be a good time to start this thread!

Here are some helpful links in regards to writing your PS:
**The Official Personal Statement Guide and PS Readers List **
To Premeds: General Advice on Personal Statements
Depakote's Personal Statement Guide/Tips

Just a few notes:
  • It may be helpful for you to include a bit of a background (ECs especially), so the reader knows a little more about you and can help go from generic -> personal
  • Contact the reader via PM to find the best way to share your PS-- Do NOT post your email address (or any other personal information) here.
    • Common ways are directly in a PM, via Word through emails, or Google Docs.
  • Reading PS's take time, so give your readers a week or two to get back to you :)
  • Be sure to have multiple people look at your PS, including other readers and friends & family too!
  • Be wary of those applying this cycle- not to say everyone is out to get you and they're gunna copy your PS, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
  • If you would like to be added or deleted from the list, PM me! (And include any information you'd like users to know).
  • This is strictly on a volunteer basis, so do NOT ask for money or any other type of compensation. You will be removed & reported.
  • If you are unable to read/getting swamped/anything, please let any new requests know so that they aren't waiting on you, and let me know if you'd like to be taken off the list.
  • Do NOT share any part of a user's PS without their permission.

Readers available! (arranged by year, then school):
-- will be making a new list in the coming months --

Not available: Please do not message these users about reading your PS!

- Remember, if you'd like to be added, PM me :)
Best of luck everyone! Let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns! :highfive:

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Already backed up??? Semester just started for ya :rofl::rofl::rofl:
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I can help critique!

Harvard Grad 2016/ Reader of probably 100 personal statements at this point in my life
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Hi guys, 10 days until the cycle opens, and about 30 days until you can submit! Figured this should get bumped :)

Good luck everyone! Also willing to answer general questions about applying :)
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thank you so much, I am working on the PS now. :) OMG this is a God send. I appreciate all these helpers' time and passion and love. Thank you all.
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How do I my like:post ratio so that I can start a conversation with the PS readers and send mine to them?
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How do I my like:post ratio so that I can start a conversation with the PS readers and send mine to them?
View attachment 233570
Hmmm maybe comment again on my thread so that I can like that post and then maybe you'll be able to send it to readers :)
Or, instead of pasting a link, copy and paste your PS directly into that message.
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Hmmm maybe comment again on my thread so that I can like that post and then maybe you'll be able to send it to readers :)
Or, instead of pasting a link, copy and paste your PS directly into that message.

It says it's 9% now but it still doesn't let me send a link and has the same error.... I'll just copy and paste it. Thanks for the help!
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Thank you all for helping out all the applicants! I'm currently working on my personal statement but will definitely have your critiques once the rough draft is in. On a side note, is there any suggestions when writing the PS other than the ones listed on AADSAS?
Thank you all for helping out all the applicants! I'm currently working on my personal statement but will definitely have your critiques once the rough draft is in. On a side note, is there any suggestions when writing the PS other than the ones listed on AADSAS?
These two links at the beginning of my post should help a bit :) Although they're medical, they can be tailored to dentistry! Basically the biggest would be to be genuine when you discuss why you want to pursue a career in dentistry. Also, show versus tell when you bring examples up!!

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Please help me, writing is my weakness as you can tell. Dental applications opened up yesterday, and I need my statement to be strong, attractive, and well written.
You shouldn't post your PS here, others might steal things from it (you never know). On the bottom of your post, click "edit", then click "more options", and delete your attachment. Private Message (PM) one of the available readers in the list and see who can help you out.
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You shouldn't post your PS here, others might steal things from it (you never know). On the bottom of your post, click "edit", then click "more options", and delete your attachment. Private Message (PM) one of the available readers in the list and see who can help you out.

Thank you, I am new at this. I wonder if I posted it when I messaged the others.
You shouldn't post your PS here, others might steal things from it (you never know). On the bottom of your post, click "edit", then click "more options", and delete your attachment. Private Message (PM) one of the available readers in the list and see who can help you out.

I don't know how to use PM, so I thought it was by just pressing reply.
Thank you, I am new at this. I wonder if I posted it when I messaged the others.
That's fine, since you're new all you have to do to send a PM is to click on the user's name and press "Start a Conversation". Then you can copy and paste your PM, attach it as a file, or paste a Google link.
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Just thought I'd drop a little bit of advice from my experience and helping some friends do their statements:
Be firm and confident in your application. Saying that you know you can do something is stronger than saying you want to or you believe you can.
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anyone willing to edit my PS as soon as possible please?
This is great! thank you so much for offering this!

How do I send my PS for the read?
This is great! thank you so much for offering this!

How do I send my PS for the read?
Click on one of the names of the available readers, then click "Start a Conversation". You'll then be able to title your conversation, and either post your PS, post a link to your PS, or upload a doc of your PS for them to read. :)
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Hey guys,

I'm looking for someone to give a quick glance at my revised personal statement.

This is my third cycle applying, and have made a few revisions. I can send the before and after copy, and get some opinions to bounce ideas on whether I'm conveying the points effectively. Thanks!

Hey guys,

I'm looking for someone to give a quick glance at my revised personal statement.

This is my third cycle applying, and have made a few revisions. I can send the before and after copy, and get some opinions to bounce ideas on whether I'm conveying the points effectively. Thanks!

You should message people on the available list as I'm the only one (I think) that receives notifications from this thread. On that note, you can send it/them to me in a PM if you'd like!
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Where do we check to see if our GPA was verified?
Where do we check to see if our GPA was verified?
Wrong thread :p but if you go to the "Check Status" tab and download a PDF, scroll through. After the green sections that have all your grades, there should be two pages of GPAs. If you have those, then your app has been verified and sent out to schools. I think you also should've received a notification.
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If needed, I can help take a look too (UCSF c/o 2022, PM preferred)! Honestly getting feedback from multiple people on SDN made the personal statement process way easier so I highly recommend people to try this out.
Where do we check to see if our GPA was verified?
For future notice, I recommending asking questions like this in this thread: Random AADSAS Questions: 2018-2019 Edition

But to answer your question, you will get an email from AADSAS once it's verified and you should see a notification when you log in. Also, if you click "Check Status" and click the download icon to any school, your GPA should be on there now and all your coursework should say "verified"
Would anyone be able to help me out? I’m super super stressed about sending this in ASAP, I just recently discovered SDN. If you’d be able to help me out in the next day or two please please let me know !
Would anyone be able to help me out? I’m super super stressed about sending this in ASAP, I just recently discovered SDN. If you’d be able to help me out in the next day or two please please let me know !
Ask anyone on the available list! It's updated on a pretty frequent basis :)
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Hey guys! It's pretty late to apply for the 2018-2019 cycle so I will be closing this thread. For the 2019-2020 cycle, I'll be making a new one that'll be posted in the coming months, probably around the end of March just like this one.

If you would like to be a reader, please PM me with the school you'll be/you're attending and any relevant info (like HPSP, NHSC, URM, reapplicant, nontrad, military, etc) closer to the start of March. I'll bump this thread too. Please don't message me until then!

Thank you to all our volunteer readers that helped many applicants this cycle :)
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It's almost March, so --> Bump! Refer to the message right above this one. ^

I will be picky about those I "accept" because I want trustworthy people that will not steal a user's PS, so you must have an active post history and have already applied and been accepted. PM me with the subject of "I'd like to be a PS reader" so that I can easily sort through the tons of messages already flooding my inbox all the time :) I'll be compiling a list that will probably posted mid/end of March. TIA!
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