***Official Roseman University Class of 2024 Interview/Acceptance thread***


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Oct 25, 2016
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Here is the thread for Roseman's application cycle this year!

Link to interview prep: Roseman University of Health Sciences College of Dental Medicine Interview Feedback
----> Be sure to give feedback on your interview to help future applicants! 🙂

Link to last year's thread: ***Official Roseman University Class of 2023 Interview/Acceptance thread***

*edited by the staff to include a link to last year's thread

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Typically first round usually don't start until early September. It think they start sending out invites a few weeks before that.
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Anyone submitted supplementary application and fee? I logged in to existing account in Roseman University website since I am a re-applicant. I only can see my old supplementary application but not creating new application. Does anyone have same problem? Unfortunately admissions office is closed until July 7th for summer break.
Anyone submitted supplementary application and fee? I logged in to existing account in Roseman University website since I am a re-applicant. I only can see my old supplementary application but not creating new application. Does anyone have same problem? Unfortunately admissions office is closed until July 7th for summer break.
I didn't have any issues submitting the supplemental or fee, granted I am not a reapplicant. I was even able to submit my supplemental prior to submitting my AADSAS application. I just used the link provided at the bottom of the program materials page for Roseman and had no issues. If that's what you've done as well, it must be your being a reapplicant :/
Does Roseman offer fee waiver for people who are not qualify for FAP?
Can someone explain why they have a 90% minimum to pass courses when every other school is significantly less? Is it much easier to achieve a 90% or is there something I'm missing here?
Can someone explain why they have a 90% minimum to pass courses when every other school is significantly less? Is it much easier to achieve a 90% or is there something I'm missing here?
The way they have it set up allows you to retake tests I believe.
The way they have it set up allows you to retake tests I believe.
Don't most schools allow that? Unless you mean they allow you to retake them indefinitely. I don't even understand why their requirement for passing are higher. Is it simply an advertising tactic like "all of our students have a 90%+ average"?
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You know, instead of typing a message into the forum, you can simply click the "watch" tab on the top right of each forum post and you'll get notifications.
omg thank you!!!! i've always been a lurker and i've never dine this before.
Don't most schools allow that? Unless you mean they allow you to retake them indefinitely. I don't even understand why their requirement for passing are higher. Is it simply an advertising tactic like "all of our students have a 90%+ average"?

There’s 2 exams each time, on Thursdays i think. You have to pass at an 85% by yourself, then you take it in a group and if you score high enough you get the extra 5% to pass the exam at a 90%. So you don’t have to get the 90% by yourself. Either way, you’re taking like 1 class at a time, so it should be easy to pass.

If you don’t pass there’s reviews with professors the next day and you study over the weekend. Then you retake on Monday. If you fail again you retake it over break. If you fail again you repeat. I’m pretty sure that’s how I remember them explaining it to me.

Some chime in if I missed something.
There’s 2 exams each time, on Thursdays i think. You have to pass at an 85% by yourself, then you take it in a group and if you score high enough you get the extra 5% to pass the exam at a 90%. So you don’t have to get the 90% by yourself. Either way, you’re taking like 1 class at a time, so it should be easy to pass.

If you don’t pass there’s reviews with professors the next day and you study over the weekend. Then you retake on Monday. If you fail again you retake it over break. If you fail again you repeat. I’m pretty sure that’s how I remember them explaining it to me.

Some chime in if I missed something.
By "repeat" do you mean you repeat the school year or just the class itself?
There’s 2 exams each time, on Thursdays i think. You have to pass at an 85% by yourself, then you take it in a group and if you score high enough you get the extra 5% to pass the exam at a 90%. So you don’t have to get the 90% by yourself. Either way, you’re taking like 1 class at a time, so it should be easy to pass.

If you don’t pass there’s reviews with professors the next day and you study over the weekend. Then you retake on Monday. If you fail again you retake it over break. If you fail again you repeat. I’m pretty sure that’s how I remember them explaining it to me.

Some chime in if I missed something.

That is exactly right. Getting the 90% is totally doable. The exam questions are taken directly from the material provided.
It’s been my experience that the professors are not out to trick you with the questions they ask. If you know the material and took notes during class you can get the required grade on the first try.
That is exactly right. Getting the 90% is totally doable. The exam questions are taken directly from the material provided.
It’s been my experience that the professors are not out to trick you with the questions they ask. If you know the material and took notes during class you can get the required grade on the first try.
Awesome! Thank you guys!
Received an email from Roseman on the 29th that the admissions committee had begun reviewing my application. So looks like we'll hopefully be hearing more soon!
Received an email from Roseman on the 29th that the admissions committee had begun reviewing my application. So looks like we'll hopefully be hearing more soon!
I did as well on the 29th. Submitted June 8th. Lets hope we hear something soon!
There’s 2 exams each time, on Thursdays i think. You have to pass at an 85% by yourself, then you take it in a group and if you score high enough you get the extra 5% to pass the exam at a 90%. So you don’t have to get the 90% by yourself. Either way, you’re taking like 1 class at a time, so it should be easy to pass.

If you don’t pass there’s reviews with professors the next day and you study over the weekend. Then you retake on Monday. If you fail again you retake it over break. If you fail again you repeat. I’m pretty sure that’s how I remember them explaining it to me.

Some chime in if I missed something.
That's right! The exams are not impossible to pass, as Dantist said. The material isn't easy, by any means, but since you are only taking one class at a time for 2-3 weeks you have the ability to focus more. There are opportunities to retake the exam and eventually the course if needed, but they do evaluate your overall progress and if you are constantly remediating exams then the deans will discuss your academic progress with you. It's not like "no matter what, you're going to pass" but they do want to give you opportunities to master the material (at least as much as possible).
Anyone get an "under review" email? Does this guarantee an interview or is it just a standard update that everyone gets?
Anyone get an "under review" email? Does this guarantee an interview or is it just a standard update that everyone gets?
I received the under review email at the end of July. I believe it's just an update to let you know where they're at with applications. Not sure if it is an indication of likelihood of an interview or not.
ADEA status changed to "Recieved/Waiting Additional Information." Does anyone know how to check whats missing?
ADEA status changed to "Recieved/Waiting Additional Information." Does anyone know how to check whats missing?
Mine says the same thing. I got an email saying my application was on hold since my previous DAT scores were lower than their minimums. I was told I will be all set once my new scores have been verified.
Interview #2
School: Roseman
Notification date: 3 September 2019
Method of notification: Email and Call
Residency: Iowa
AADSAS mail-out date: 4 June 2019
Application complete date: 4 June 2019
GPA (science, overall): 3.20, 3.34
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 20/19/21/22/None
Dates available OR your interview date: 4 October 2019
Interview #2
School: Roseman
Notification date: 3 September 2019
Method of notification: Email and Call
Residency: Iowa
AADSAS mail-out date: 4 June 2019
Application complete date: 4 June 2019
GPA (science, overall): 3.20, 3.34
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 20/19/21/22/None
Dates available OR your interview date: 4 October 2019
What time of day did you receive the interview?
Interview #4
School: Roseman
Notification date: 9/3/19
Method of notification: Email then call to book
Residency: Texas
AADSAS mail-out date: 6/11
Application complete date: 6/14
GPA (science, overall): 3.7, 3.9
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 21/20/20/24/none

Interview date is September 20th.
Interview #4
School: Roseman
Notification date: 9/3/19
Method of notification: Email then call to book
Residency: Texas
AADSAS mail-out date: 6/11
Application complete date: 6/14
GPA (science, overall): 3.7, 3.9
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 21/20/20/24/none

Interview date is September 20th.
What time did you receive the email?
Anybody interviewing on the 20th? I would be interested in meeting up.
How many applicants does Roseman usually interview?
For those who called to schedule the interview, what dates did they offer you? So far I’m seeing 9/20 and 10/4 on this thread and was just curious if there are other options. Trying to look at planes and hotels in advance. Thanks and super excited to potentially meet you all! 🙂
For those who called to schedule the interview, what dates did they offer you? So far I’m seeing 9/20 and 10/4 on this thread and was just curious if there are other options. Trying to look at planes and hotels in advance. Thanks and super excited to potentially meet you all! 🙂
She told me 9/20 when I called three days ago, so I don't think any others are open yet!
Ah, so she only gave one option?
Well she said we are booking for September 20th right now if you can come that day. I said I could, but if I had said I couldn't I'm assuming the next option was going to be 10/4.
I got invited for an interview on 09/3 and hoping to schedule for the 10/4 interview date! I will be flying in from SF on Thursday and would love to meet up with fellow interviewees and explore Utah (my first time here)! Let me if anyone want to meet up. I am so excited!
So I have been calling the admission office since Friday trying to schedule for the interview but no one answered... Does anyone else have the same issue? I am a bit worried since the last time I called, someone picked up almost immediately? Usually they are very good with responding to emails and phone calls. What happened to Ms. Alicia :/
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Aww it's okay! Cheer up 🙂
When I call it goes straight to voicemail. LOL I think they do this because they're way too busy and don't want to be bothered...?
I even emailed them and they never responded.
You can try calling again at different times to see when they pick up, but I'm guessing it'll be a hit-or-miss (whenever they're in the office sort of thing).

Edit: whoa sorry, totally didn't see that you're calling bc of interview :O yeah for sure keep trying!! gotta get your date confirmed!
LOL I thought you were calling for general info from the admission office xD