Only about 1 month left

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Oct 22, 2003
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ONE MONTH TO GO AND THE LETTERS SHOULD START ARRIVING:clap: :clap: :clap: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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About 5 weeks buddy!

see above left. :D
Yes, 5 long, stressful, horrible more weeks.
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I suggest that you guys take a 5 week sedative, that'll make the time fly. :laugh:
We have hit Nov. 1 - now it's really only a month!

4 weeks exactly from Monday!
does anybody know about rejections? do they send them out on the 1st too? not that i'm expecting any - just wondering.
Unless you're the Second Coming, if you applied to any significant number of schools you'll probably end up with at least one rejection letter ;) The number of rejections doesn't matter, though--all you need is one acceptance!
Less than one month now.
And if your schools are anything like mine were, they might not send out the rejections until later. You see, schools like to keep applicants in their back pockets just in case their first couple round of acceptances don't yield as many deposits as they had anticipated.
haha this is so funny. I used to countdown days til christmas or birthdays... but i guess christmas can come a little early this year for some of us.

HO HO HO!!!!!:clap:
dont forget thxgiving.
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Originally posted by ecdoesit
dont forget thxgiving.


Gobble Gobble Gobble!!!!!!!!:clap:
aren't xmas, new years day, and thanksgiving on the same day on DEC 1st??:laugh: :laugh:

no need to count down those days anymore...
Are we there yet?
we should count down chronologically :D
Originally posted by ohcdn
Are we there yet?

If you don't stop whining I'm going to turn this whole application process back to where it started, Mr.!
Dec. 1 is open season. After that, things should get interesting!
Why don't those of us who are dying to know ASAP, call the schools we interviewed at and see if it would be alright to call the day after the admissions meeting and ask if we are getting an acceptance letter.

That could reduce the time by almost a week. So it could be more like, LESS THAN THREE WEEKS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap: :laugh: :laugh:
do the all schools give out rejection notice somehow?
as I posted before, I have completed my application way before and did not get any interview invitation yet. got one rejection letter.
does that mean that I still have a chance?
school could either give you a rejection or acceptance. hope you get some interviews soon buddy.

27 DAYS LEFT:clap: :clap: :clap:
26 days baby! The countdowns on!!!!!:clap: :clap: :clap:
Remember. Not everyone will get accepted on the first round. So, I'm not getting my hopes up.
They probably won't give out your rejection letter until the third round of acceptance, which is mid-Feb. If you interview early, it means that you have good standing with them, and they would like to keep you on the back burner as long as they could. Once the class is almost filled, they will either put you on wait list or flat out reject.

If you interview after Dec 1, rejection letter will come probably after 2 weeks or a month.

Good luck guys. The fun has just begun.
22 Days!!

It's amazing to think that in 3 weeks my entire life will be different...
Originally posted by monkeyfist529
22 Days!!

It's amazing to think that in 3 weeks my entire life will be different...

not necessarily in 3 weeks. i hope you are right and wish you the best of luck. as gavin and others have said, we may not get anything till jan or feb. lets hope they come soon b4 someone (like me) has a heart attack!!
man, i m some what disturbed because my first and only interivew is in January. And I have not heard anything from other schools. This thread is kinda stressing me out a tiny little bit.

Now, the best I could do is to prepare my best for my interview and continue to gain more dental experience.

Any other suggestions?
just relax man. jan is still good. many people here don't even have any interviews scheduled. jan/feb is still early. we have heard of people getting interviews way later than that.

ok you guys wanna know something funny?
my fiance gets up this morning and says "hoeny, did you know you have 21 days before DEc 1st?"

oh, really? i wasn't counting:laugh: :laugh:

21 DAYS:clap:
Even you have interviews before Dec. 1 and you think the interviewers (seem) like you, it does not mean anything. People will keep the conversation warm and make you feel comfortable. I don't think I can translate this into the high possibility to admissions. No one knows the result until Dec. 1 or Dec. 2. Dec. 1 is the first day after thinksgiving break and they might mail out letters on Dec. 1 and arrive later. It is my personal opinion.
Yup grettlin2 ! you're rite. I'm not getting my hopes up until receiving the letter. Now till Dec, I will focus more on my dental anatomy, perio and embryology tests and keep my mind off all of the application process stuffs . Gosh .. so much materials to study and so little time. I just got 96 for my fourth head and neck anatomy test, my first A so far (95-100 : A ).
stop wasting time counting and go out and do something fun! :p
Its too cold to go outside where I live.
then go rent a movie thru
or go spend time w/ your mommy and daddy and sibs
call your grandmommy and granddaddy and tell them you love them...
StarGirl, may I ask you what makes you happy when you study at Columbia?
Yeah, the countdown for me began last year. I can't believe we have almost hit the finish line!!!!!:clap: :clap:
18 days = 2.5 weeks left :clap:
How many dayz till Thanksgiving. YUM. YUM. :)
A wish everybody luck. Nothing worse than getting rejections going into the holidays.
I am incredibly nervous/anxious. To have to to wait is torture. I just hope it turns awsome--for everyone.
shizzle my nizzle. You needz to chizzle:cool:
I cant wait 16 freaking days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you think they have already made the decision and just have the letters piled up in a closet somewhere collecting dust?
