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i can't wait too long man. i am gonna call as soon as DR. Kasberg gets there and you know when that is.

then, if he does give me the good news, i am gonna call Aphistis:laugh: :laugh:

it'll probably be still 6-7am:laugh:

just kidding, i'll give you till 8am Bill.

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hey perfect, was it 5 or 7 am that kasberg was getting in? i thought it was 5.
he said he gets there between 5-6am IN time.
i am gonna give him till 6am (4 am CA time) and thats just about how long i could wait:laugh:
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Can't won, that's pretty cool.

Talk to everyone in the morning.
Originally posted by arns51
I noticed the same exact thing, may be a record for the pre-dent forum. So much anxiety and excitement!!

not just pre-dents. looks like the news travelled to other rooms.
gentlemen, we are not alone:laugh: :laugh:
there is a SDN ID named "decemberfirst". huh?

hope its not our good old jimmy fang dude
Originally posted by PERFECT3435
there is a SDN ID named "decemberfirst". huh?

hope its not our good old jimmy fang dude

I would almost enjoy talking to jimmy fang tonight. He was pretty funny, mindlessly arrogant as hell, but pretty funny.
Officially Dec. 1 in the West Coast!!!!!!
THis whole thing reminds me of waiting for things to happen for Y2K.

Are we still here? Did we lose anyone?
I'm still here, gunning strong on at least 200 mgs of caffeine. Ready to wake up my family with good news. I'm gonna crash hard tomorrow though...ohh well. How often do you get into dental school?
Originally posted by PERFECT3435
there is a SDN ID named "decemberfirst". huh?

hope its not our good old jimmy fang dude

um....Who is Jimmy Fang?

Originally posted by DecemberFirst
um....Who is Jimmy Fang?

Jimmy Fang was this guy who posted on here and ran his mouth a bunch?sent me some pretty funny personal messages letting me know I was an idiot and real ?stupid.? I thought he was pretty funny.

Where you from Michael?
Let me introduce thyself..I am Michael Leoni from Houston Texas...Went to school in Baylor...Have interviewed at all tx schools as well as UCSF ( family members in SF ).

Just wondering...why would he/she think I am this jimmy fang character?
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He's probably pretty worked up over possibly getting into dental school in 2-3 hours... Which school is your first choice??

1) San Antonio 2) Houston 3) San Fran 4) Baylor
Originally posted by Zurich5
He's probably pretty worked up over possibly getting into dental school in 2-3 hours... Which school is your first choice??

man i felt like a building came down on me when i was told i wasn't accepted at IUSD. not even waitlisted....
Here is something interesting. I called all the schools in TX, and they tell me that they can't tell me the status of my application (i.e. whether I have been accepted or not) over the telephone.

Either everyone is afraid to call the schools or no one is receiving good news from them. I was expecting to see the 2004 acceptance page full this morning. Do you think most schools, if they are going to call, will do it in the morning? Or email, for that matter?
Originally posted by PERFECT3435
man i felt like a building came down on me when i was told i wasn't accepted at IUSD. not even waitlisted....

Sorry to hear that Perfect. You are a great applicant, stay strong and I am sure you will have luck somewhere this year!
Originally posted by PERFECT3435
man i felt like a building came down on me when i was told i wasn't accepted at IUSD. not even waitlisted....

Perfect, sorry to hear this. You're a great applicant, and I know you'll be a wonderful dentist one day. Take this in stride and keep working towards your goal. You'll get in.
Originally posted by PERFECT3435
man i felt like a building came down on me when i was told i wasn't accepted at IUSD. not even waitlisted....

perfect, I feel sorry. You are a really good applicant in this cycle, especially your good DAT score. I would suggest you to keep in touch with the schools which haven't issued you interviews and fight the war just as Yah-E two years ago.

I am very sad to hear this news about UI. WTF? I hope that UCONN still works out for you. Call me.
Hi, perfect:

Sorry to hear about Indiana. You still have another interview coming up, right? Work on it. Don't let one bad news beat you down.
thank you all again.

you guys have all been wonderful. i wish you all the best!

you know what really hurts?

this thread. how ironic for me huh?
Just try to remember that when it's all over, nobody will care or even know about all the drama before and during our education; the patients will just see the degree on the wall and assume you made it through without any trouble, and your colleagues will be able to commiserate. It's how you finish that matters, not how things play out in the beginning.
Originally posted by aphistis
Just try to remember that when it's all over, nobody will care or even know about all the drama before and during our education; the patients will just see the degree on the wall and assume you made it through without any trouble, and your colleagues will be able to commiserate. It's how you finish that matters, not how things play out in the beginning.

so true.

man i get the biggest smile when i look back and read all of our posts here.
Come to think of it, it was exciting to open and read the acceptance letter from your 1st choice dental school. It was a 'kodak and ...for everything else there is master card moment'!:cool:
aphistis said:
Just try to remember that when it's all over, nobody will care or even know about all the drama before and during our education; the patients will just see the degree on the wall and assume you made it through without any trouble, and your colleagues will be able to commiserate. It's how you finish that matters, not how things play out in the beginning.

what an amazing time we had counting and counting huh? boy i still get the chills just looking back at that night on 11/30.

should we start a thread that counts down our graduation date now? :laugh: :laugh:

i am just kidding!

btw, i hope that everyone from this thread have gotten somewhere by now.
Hahaha, I still remember the debate with Jim Fang.
Looking back at it, it was fun. Ya, things change for better or worse in these few months. I hope everybody get into where they want to be.
since i knw many of you guys couldnt sleep tonight waiting for the news, i thought i bring up this thread of ours from the last cycle. we were just as anxious as you guys.
have fun staying up and reading old posts. lol
PERFECT3435 said:
since i knw many of you guys couldnt sleep tonight waiting for the news, i thought i bring up this thread of ours from the last cycle. we were just as anxious as you guys.
have fun staying up and reading old posts. lol

Hey PerFECT3435, when you were not accepted last year or waitlisted, when did you find out that youwere accepted? I see that you are it IUSD right now? I am a out-of-stater, do you know if they go through there waitlist pretty quickly? thanks
PERFECT3435 said:
man i felt like a building came down on me when i was told i wasn't accepted at IUSD. not even waitlisted....

hey what happened, thought u got denied at IUSD?? looks like they accepted u after they denied u? that happens??

gUmNuMmEr19 said:
Hey PerFECT3435, when you were not accepted last year or waitlisted, when did you find out that youwere accepted? I see that you are it IUSD right now? I am a out-of-stater, do you know if they go through there waitlist pretty quickly? thanks

ha u beat me to it
i didnt get in on dec 1st. ended up being on their waitlist on jan 30 and got in on feb 16.

iusd's out of state waitlist goes very deep and very quickly. i was #5 and got in within 2 weeks. the year before they went all the way to #46 on their waitlist.