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Originally posted by arns51
We are not counting the current day. And if you dont count that day then the only way to get 11 days would be to count the 1st. So, not counting the first gives you 10 days. I know I will be getting up early and calling schools on the first, so I am certainly not going to be waiting all day on the 1st.

Maybe that made sense....

i see what you're saying, but look at it this way. if you say that there is 8days left today, then you will say 7 for nov. 23, 6 for the 24nd, 5 for the 25st, 4 for 26th, 3 for 27th, 2 for the 28th, and 1 day left for the 29th, and the 30th would be the big day. what if i see the post on the 29th for 1 more day in the morning or afternoon? then i would assume that in 24 more hours from then i'll be expecting an email or something, which would be the morning or afternoon of the 30th. UH, OH, NO EMIAL!!!! WHATS GOING ON. And also, even 1 more day after the 29th at 11:59 pm would still make that technically 11:59 pm on the 30th at the latest. You say that it's close enough? then i say baba booey.... why are you still reading this post? go out and have some fun!!!! what ever the day it is im staying up on the 30th.

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Originally posted by ohcdn
i see what you're saying, but look at it this way. if you say that there is 8days left today, then you will say 7 for nov. 23, 6 for the 24nd, 5 for the 25st, 4 for 26th, 3 for 27th, 2 for the 28th, and 1 day left for the 29th, and the 30th would be the big day. what if i see the post on the 29th for 1 more day in the morning or afternoon? then i would assume that in 24 more hours from then i'll be expecting an email or something, which would be the morning or afternoon of the 30th. UH, OH, NO EMIAL!!!! WHATS GOING ON. And also, even 1 more day after the 29th at 11:59 pm would still make that technically 11:59 pm on the 30th at the latest. You say that it's close enough? then i say baba booey.... why are you still reading this post? go out and have some fun!!!! what ever the day it is im staying up on the 30th.

Do we really need a lecture to explain the days? Relax
Dr. Benji,
Thanks for the response!

So you think if I applied in July and interviewed in October, I'll be hearing from them on Dec. 1st?
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ok guys,

here is the thing. let the people post here if they feel like it. if you don't like counting the days, then you don't have to be in this thread. move on. there are plenty other threads for you to start negativity.

most people here are anxious, excitted, and happy and could hardly wait for the BIG day. you don't like what they are doing?

get over it!

8 days baby!!!!

there is nothing wrong with calling the schools yo uhave interviewed at and finding out wether they have made a decision on you or not.
the 2 schools i interviewed at actually encouraged at to do so.

feel free to call them people. you deserve to find out.
after all, you have only been waiting for months:)
Originally posted by PERFECT3435
ok guys,

here is the thing. let the people post here if they feel like it. if you don't like counting the days, then you don't have to be in this thread. move on. there are plenty other threads for you to start negativity.

most people here are anxious, excitted, and happy and could hardly wait for the BIG day. you don't like what they are doing?

get over it!

8 days baby!!!!

I thought it was tough, not though.:laugh: :laugh:
Originally posted by PERFECT3435

there is nothing wrong with calling the schools yo uhave interviewed at and finding out wether they have made a decision on you or not.
the 2 schools i interviewed at actually encouraged at to do so.

feel free to call them people. you deserve to find out.
after all, you have only been waiting for months:)

Not only that, the schools expect the calls. One school I interviewed at specifically told us we could call on Dec. 1st and get an answer. They know we have been stressed and working very hard for this, too bad if a secretary or two has a tough day, they may even enjoy giving people the good news:clap:

*edit* once again I should probably read slower, sorry, basically duplicated your post Perfect
Originally posted by arns51
Not only that, the schools expect the calls. One school I interviewed at specifically told us we could call on Dec. 1st and get an answer. They know we have been stressed and working very hard for this, too bad if a secretary or two has a tough day, they may even enjoy giving people the good news:clap:

Would you guys call? I'd rather email. I can't imagine the embarrassment of being rejected over the phone.
Originally posted by PERFECT3435
ok guys,

here is the thing. let the people post here if they feel like it. if you don't like counting the days, then you don't have to be in this thread. move on. there are plenty other threads for you to start negativity.

most people here are anxious, excitted, and happy and could hardly wait for the BIG day. you don't like what they are doing?

get over it!

8 days baby!!!!

i agree perfect. got lots of haters on this forum. and fine i'll say 8 too now.

8 More DAYS!!

just kidding Gavin.

oh and thanks for correcting my spilling:laugh:

i am kidding, i know my spelling isn't perfect, but i guess SDN will help me get it perfect.:)
Maybe a real human voice will say "I'm sorry" if I'm rejected. Hence, I will be on the phone on December 1st at 8:00 AM
Originally posted by savvysearch
Would you guys call? I'd rather email. I can't imagine the embarrassment of being rejected over the phone.

Absolutely going to call my top choices. I dont know the people im talking to and will most likely never run into them in my lifetime. No embarassment there, maybe a little anger though;)
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if you are embarrassed about or scared of rejections/failure then thats not the way to live my friends.

i would never be scared of being rejected. i don't see the diff between finding out on the phone or email or a letter. yes, even if i am going to be rejected then so be it, but by god i wanna know it NOW. not days and weeks later!:)
Originally posted by PERFECT3435
if you are embarrassed about or scared of rejections/failure then thats not the way to live my friends.

I thought you said you would die of a heart attack or commit suicide if you were rejected this year? Changed your views I see. :clap:
Only 7 Days to go!!

:clap: :clap: :clap:
no no no

i haven't changed my views. i am saying i am not affraid to face reality. i may die of a heart attack, but that doesn't mean i don't want to find out the truth.

anyways, i think the magic # is one

i like the one better than seven:laugh:
For those of you who are waiting to hear from UNC, please do not panic if you do NOT hear anything on Dec. 1.
I interviewed there and was told by the admissions committee that they will meet on the 3rd, and mail the acceptances letter after that day.
Good luck to all of you!!!
same thing goes for UCONN. they told me not to panic if i didn't get anything on DEC 1. schools don't fill all their seats on dec 1.
Originally posted by PERFECT3435
same thing goes for UCONN. they told me not to panic if i didn't get anything on DEC 1. schools don't fill all their seats on dec 1.

It sure would be nice though to get that letter on dec 1st, or atleast hear it from them, ey?
6 days to go

Just think back to when we were putting our application together, seemed like Dec. 1st would never come. Weve come a long ways.

Good luck everyone!
This month has been the longest in recorded history. :(
Originally posted by megabot
This month has been the longest in recorded history. :(

no, i think this week will break the all time record for being the longest week:laugh:

i can't wait to get my hands on that turkey....and then just afew more days.
OK. Go shopping today after school and buy enough food to make 4 full blown thanksgiving meals. Wednesday, drink a couple of bottles of wine and cook those 4 meals. Thursday, sleep in, eat one meal, snack on the left overs, and finish off a few more bottles of wine. Repeat for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Hello, before you know it, you have gotten to Mon Dec 1 with minimal further stress.
Since nobody else has done it yet.....

only 5 days remaining!

The end is near...The battle is almost over...but the war has just begun
Originally posted by megabot
The end is near...The battle is almost over...but the war has just begun

4 days left!!!!!!!!!
3 days!!! OMFG, I am going sick waiting, OMFG!!:laugh: +pissed+ +pissed+




= 2 days...............I am having a great time guys, too much Turkey,
wine, and Footbal.....I did not even think about it yesterday!

All the best to all the friends...............
how could you enhoy it with so much stress? actually, i am very affraid for Jaap. i am sure its gonna be hard for him to believe it if he gets any acceptances.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
See there, vishal took my advice (for yesterday anyway) and had a strees free day as a result.
I am not stressed, I can just choke the XXXX out of Dental
colleges because they wait until Dec1. Whats the point in making
everybody wait. They could have surprised all of us by
calling us on Wednesday. +pissed+
The Dec 1 start date is likley in the best interest of all parties. It gives all of the schools a chance to see a lot of applicants and vice versa before being put under pressure to make the final tough decisions..
This thread sounds like people having urges to go to the restroom:laugh:

can you believe we have come so far?
my nerves are definately giving me hell now...
Originally posted by vishal_k32801




= 2 days...............I am having a great time guys, too much Turkey,
wine, and Footbal.....I did not even think about it yesterday!

All the best to all the friends...............

I think I caught some wine in there ;) I also think different varietals get me ripped up. Right on. I hit a $hit-ton of golf balls at the driving range today and been pretty carefree. Monday will be cool, yulp real cool....

"Gettin ****** up tonight, yulp gettin ****** up.." - Charlie Tweeder
MOnday is less than 24 hours from now.................

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Originally posted by arns51
6 days to go

Just think back to when we were putting our application together, seemed like Dec. 1st would never come.

Oh, it will come . . . and then go! You'll wish you had it back (in some ways).

Enjoy your acceptances and get ready for lots of hard work as you enter dental school.

Soon enough you'll be counting down days until you graduate.
only hours left for me now....

anyone gonna sleep tonight??:laugh:
nah. I'll be up along with you
man this is gonna be the toughest night for me ever. i hate being uncertain.

the worst part is, i have to work 9-5 tomorrow and we have nothing but root canals and preps scheduled for tomorrow.
Hey perfect, what time are you going to call IU tommorow?
If you read Perfect's previous post, he will call at 4:00am Pacific Time. Dr. Kasberg will be in his office at 7:00am local time.
Why in the world am I nervous?

I dont expect to hear anything until late Dec./early Jan.

You guys are gonna make me lose some sleep tonight.
Officially Dec. 1 in the east coast.

you cant get west without the E,S
oh man, don't be nervous.

lets just hope that we all get the :NEWS" tomorrow. there is no guarantee that we will though.

i love how soooo many of us are on SDN tonight.:laugh:
Originally posted by PERFECT3435

i love how soooo many of us are on SDN tonight.:laugh:

I noticed the same exact thing, may be a record for the pre-dent forum. So much anxiety and excitement!!