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Apr 27, 2021
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i have interviews coming up and i am pretty nervous regarding the whole open file and closed file type thing. I checked the SDN pharmacy school interview feedback where it shows what type of interview it was and it gave me a mixed response for the schools. But my question is, even though i did receive an interview does that mean they can still reject me based off of my academic performance in the past? i did have a pretty rocky start in my beginning year but i did show a huge postures trend in terms of grades and experiences. I feel like closed file would be a better interview option but that’s wishful thinking. I don’t know how to go about this and i’m pretty sure it’s just pre-interview jitters but any feedback would be cool :)

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my question is, even though i did receive an interview does that mean they can still reject me based off of my academic performance in the past?
No - They wouldn't interview you otherwise.

At most, some may ask you to explain certain trends. Other than that, you are on an equal playing field. At this point, your professionalism and communication is what they're interested in.
Hi there! You are right, it is probably just pre-interview jitters. Open file does mean that interviewers will have reviewed your file, but there’s no guarantee that they will choose to ask about any discrepancies in it. They may ask you about your previous working or volunteering experiences or your ECs. Don’t worry about it too much and be prepared to talk about your experiences by always referencing what they taught you and the skills you developed going through them. If they end up asking you about poor academic performance in previous years, that’s also ok. Just remember to own it and show some reflection. Mention how you overcame the challenge and the skills you exercised or developed, or even refined. Lastly, mention how you can apply this learning moving forward in your career. Overall, whether it is open file or closed file, you have to be prepared and do a fantastic job by being truthful, honest, and showing how positive and negative experiences have shaped you. You’ve got this! Best of luck!
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i have interviews coming up and i am pretty nervous regarding the whole open file and closed file type thing. I checked the SDN pharmacy school interview feedback where it shows what type of interview it was and it gave me a mixed response for the schools. But my question is, even though i did receive an interview does that mean they can still reject me based off of my academic performance in the past? i did have a pretty rocky start in my beginning year but i did show a huge postures trend in terms of grades and experiences. I feel like closed file would be a better interview option but that’s wishful thinking. I don’t know how to go about this and i’m pretty sure it’s just pre-interview jitters but any feedback would be cool :)
Agree with BC. If there was something in your file that was worth rejecting you over, it would have been done already.
Doesn't matter. The interview is just a formality.

Have a pulse? Qualify for $200k+ in student loans? Accepted.
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There is no need to worry about "closed file" vs "opened file". We are more interested in who you are now, not who you were in the past. Prepare your story and impress us (FYI, I interview potential pharmacy students for a local school a few times a year )