Optometry School Worries

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Hopeful OD 2017

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5+ Year Member
Jun 7, 2017
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I just graduated from UCSD and have a 3.34 GPA and plan on taking the OAT sometime in August.
I know this GPA is on the lower side but I'm hoping that my extracurriculars help ease the burden.
I've had the same job on campus (not related to optometry) since I was a freshman and worked on average 20 hrs/ week. During my senior year, I got a second job as an optometric technician and worked full time over break (40 hrs/week) and part-time during the school year (20 hrs/week).
I've shadowed two different optometrists. One I shadowed almost every week for 3 months and the other I probably had about 20 hours.
I've also been involved in other school orgs.

Obviously I'm trying to study hard for the OAT but do you think that graduating from a competitive school as a Biology major will help explain the lower GPA? Do optometry schools take into account what school you graduated from and what major you had?

I'm planning on applying this year so that I (hopefully) get into a good school Fall 2018.
Just based on this info and assuming I get an average or above average OAT score, do you think I have a decent chance on getting invited for an interview at a school in California such as SCCO and Berkeley?
What other schools do you think I would have a good chance getting into?

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If you've shadowed enough to know that this is what you want to do, then do as well as you can on the OAT and apply to many different schools. You can always call admissions and ask them if your numbers are competitive. All of the schools I interviewed at seemed to take into account life circumstances, but there is a certain level you'll need to meet number-wise to get an interview in the first place.
Schools do take into account how competitive your undergrad school was. I don't think your major is as important as long as you did well in the prerequisite courses.

I think you have a chance. Visit the schools to figure out which one may be right for you. Aim to do above average on OAT and look for stellar LOR writers. Include details about our experiences. Improve your personal statement. You'll be fine. 🙂