Organic chemistry prep?

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7+ Year Member
Dec 3, 2015
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Going to be taking organic I & II in summer, and I've got two weeks before classes begin. I was a solid B+ in Chemistry (with a huge curve in chem II though), and pretty much memorized my way through chemistry without really understanding concepts too great.

Any books, videos, or etc recommendations that I could use just to get myself acclimated to the subject before the class starts would be extremely appreciated!

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Organic Chemistry as a second language by David Klein and Khan Academy.
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Organic Chemistry as a second language by David Klein and Khan Academy.

Agreed. Those two should be able to guide any student though OChem (with enough activation energy done by the student). I'm not sure how much prestudying will really help, but I guess if you've got the time to kill why not. I will say though that you should really make an attempt to not memorize your way through OChem like you did gen Chem. That's a mistake I see students make all the time, and their grades generally suffer because of it. Take the extra time to understand why things are happening. Why do the electrons flow the way they do? Why not a different mechanism? These things will help you truly "get" what is going on and will help immensely when it comes time to do synthesis problems.
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