Orthopedic Surgeon/GP Possible?

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Mar 9, 2016
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Is specializing in Orthopedic surgery and being a GP in dentistry possible and doable if I do a 6 year DMD/DO program?

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Why on earth would you want to do this? I mean I guess it's possible, but why? I doubt you could run a successful practice in either doing both.

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Because I am interested in both fields and I cannot specialize in both fields.
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I guess the real question is how do you expect to keep your dental skills current during your 5 years of a pretty much all consuming ortho residency? I kind of get the impression that the program is probably geared towards creating a dual PCP/GP dentist for communities that are lacking in both.

No. You'd have too much skill atrophy after ortho residency, and maintaining either practice is a full-time job in and of itself.
No but I bet being an OMFS / neurosurgeon is doable
OP; try going to medical school, dental school, or the combined program and then you will realize that it's not doable, and it wouldn't be desirable even if it were doable.

No but I bet being an OMFS / neurosurgeon is doable
lol you'd be like a hundred years old by the time you finished training
Six years just to get the degrees (eight if not a combined program), plus four for OMFS plus seven for neurosurg= 17-19 years
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