PCAT January 2018 without all Prereqs

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May 22, 2017
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Hey guys! First thread here.

I'm taking the PCAT on 1/3/18 with only the following prereqs: Gen Chem 1&2, Gen Bio 1, A&P 1, and Microbiology.

I will not have Organic 1&2 or Calculus in yet, but I have College Alegbra/Trig pretty fresh.
I learned the base of organic chemistry in another chemistry class (took an exam over the chapter and will definitely review over it again).

In your opinion (those that have taken the PCAT already), do you think I have a good chance of scoring above 75 in the sciences with only the listed completed prereqs? Of course I'm aiming for 90's, but was told by a fellow pharmacy student at UMKC that a 75 gets you an automatic interview. ;)

Also, I've been reading forums on here that highly recommend Dr. Collins ($375) and Kaplan (mainly good for biology? $30 on eBay for 2016-2017 Edition)... thoughts?

Really trying to get in to pharmacy school Fall 2018 (all prereqs will be completed prior to starting in the Fall)... as of right now I have been a CPhT for 2 years, strong volunteer work at the Humane Society, and already have a director of Pharmacy as a reference set up. GPA will be a 3.4 by the end of Fall I am presuming.

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