Pediatric PGY1 Interview

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5+ Year Member
Feb 5, 2017
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Hey guys,
I was wondering if anyone had completed a pediatric PGY1 interview yet? I have a few in a few weeks and was wondering how the interview was or what kind of clinical states to focus on for the clinical portion
Any advice would be great

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Hey guys,
I was wondering if anyone had completed a pediatric PGY1 interview yet? I have a few in a few weeks and was wondering how the interview was or what kind of clinical states to focus on for the clinical portion
Any advice would be great

I would review common peds conditions: asthma, DKA/type 1 dm, meningitis, otitis, sinusitis, CAP, other common infections. If they're a CF center, I would review CF for sure. I've had two peds interviews so far, and one didn't ask peds specific questions at all. It really just depends on the place, I think.
The clinical part stresses me out the most, but just remember that they're looking more for your thinking process than anything 🙂

good luck!