PLEASE HELP!!! Switched Calc 2 to Cal 1

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5+ Year Member
Feb 1, 2018
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Hey everyone,

Last semester, I had to take Calc for the life and social sciences, basically an applied calc class, because there was only one calc 1 class and it was full. However that class was not the same as taking actual Calc 1 as they omitted practically all of trig, exponential, and log functions.

Since I'm a biochemistry major, I still wanted to go on and take Calc 2 afterwards this semester, however I'm in it right now and literally don't understand ANYTHING. I got an A- in the applied calc class last semester, and thought I could get by in Calc 2 if I self studied and taught myself things I wasn't taught last semester, however I'm definitely wrong. I'm already taking a super heavy course load as a freshmen too, already in an upper div bio class, and doing research - so it's a lot to handle on top of commuting.

I'm about to switch into Calc 1 now and wanted to ask, how will adcoms see this as it basically now looks like it took me a whole year to take calculus? Anyone else have a similar experience??? Also, I think its good to mention the fact that I'm also going to be transferring after this semester too, so even if I did stay in Calc 2, I wouldn't have gotten the applied Calc credit towards my degree anyways at most of the schools I'm applying to.

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I think they will see that you made a good decision by switching. Better to go to Calc 1, do well and go to Calc 2 than to fail Calc 2.
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I think they will see that you made a good decision by switching. Better to go to Calc 1, do well and go to Calc 2 than to fail Calc 2.
But does it matter at the fact I'm essentially wasting an entire 4 credits basically by taking it? Or that I'm not 'challenging' myself?? :/
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It would look much worse if you failed calc 2.
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But does it matter at the fact I'm essentially wasting an entire 4 credits basically by taking it? Or that I'm not 'challenging' myself?? :/

How are you "wasting" credits? You don't have credits for the course. You said the Calc you took left out some major fundamentals of Calculus. I mean it's up to you, but it certainly won't be looked down upon that you realized that Calc II was too much and went to Calc I, and then to Calc II. It would reflect poorly on your decision making skills, if you skipped Calc I, went to Calc II and did poorly. If anything, the adcoms will see that you are able to make good decisions...
Lol at pre-med neurosis

It’s not a big deal at all
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