Portal hypertension vs Portal vein obstruction vs Cirrhosis

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Jul 12, 2015
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Hi all, i encountered a q on Uworld that said Chronic hepatic vein obstruction is a rare cause of portal hypertension and cirrhosis. Is this saying budd chiari rarely leads to portal hypertension and cirrhosis? If so, why? Im a bit confused about the differences in symptoms between cirrhosis, portal hypertension and portal vein obstruciton like Budd Chiari.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Hi all, i encountered a q on Uworld that said Chronic hepatic vein obstruction is a rare cause of portal hypertension and cirrhosis. Is this saying budd chiari rarely leads to portal hypertension and cirrhosis? If so, why? Im a bit confused about the differences in symptoms between cirrhosis, portal hypertension and portal vein obstruciton like Budd Chiari.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Without reading the question my guess would be that Budd Chiari is a rare disease which LEADS to portal HTN and cirrhosis.

Personally I’ve never heard of it causing cirrhosis but it wouldn’t really be surprising - I know in experimental models if you remove portal circulation from the liver it basically necroses and dies lol.

As for portal HTN...makes sense right? If you obstruct the outflow from the portal system you’ll end up with a bunch of of backpressure.
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What's more common...Budd Chiari or alcoholism? Budd Chiari or Hepatitis? Budd Chiari can lead to cirrhosis, it is simply a much rarer cause.
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Budd Chiari is thrombosis of the hepatic vein and not the portal vein btw.

Portal vein thrombosis a v different entity and is more often a consequence of than a cause of liver disease.
Budd Chiari is thrombosis of the hepatic vein and not the portal vein btw.

Portal vein thrombosis a v different entity and is more often a consequence of than a cause of liver disease.
oh wow, yeah i meant hepatic vein....i need a break. thank you