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Jul 5, 2017
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MCAT? If <509, go DO. If >509, SMP and apply both.
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OP's GPA is getting close to being on life support. I think doing a post-bac or SMP is needed to show that they can survive med school.

OP, these programs are a dime-a-dozen, so take your pick.

Thanks for your advice. Do you think I am a good candidate to get into one of these programs?
Students like you get into top programs in the country. You seem like you have a really good shot. You have nothing to worry about. No doubt you'd get into Hopkins.
I don't understand these comments. Like 80% of postbacc programs have an average GPA of 3.3. OP already found one: "I was hoping to go to Uconn post bacc but they now changed their requirements to a 3.25 GPA for admission."
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