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Jan 17, 2017
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I am currently applying to medical school. Still waiting to hear back if I have any interviews. I was just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for post bacc programs? I'm planning on doing one next year if I don't get in. I've been looking at the program at Mississippi College. I've also been looking at the one at UTHSC in Memphis but it's in Pharmacology. The one at Mississippi College seems like it will be more like the classes you take your first year of medical school. I'm from TN so I would like to stay in the southeast, but would consider moving to a big city on the east coast.

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My overall GPA is 3.7. I graduated with a degree in biochemistry & molecular biology
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If your cGPA is a 3.7, I don't think there's any need for a postbacc. How broadly did you apply? What was your MCAT score!?
If your cGPA is a 3.7, I don't think there's any need for a postbacc. How broadly did you apply? What was your MCAT score!?

My MCAT is a 501. Which is why I'm a little worried. I sent secondaries back to 6 med schools. One of them is in state. Two are public out of state. And 3 are private.
I think a 501 is too low for MD schools. You should be fine for DO schools though. Assuming your ECs are good, I think you should forget about a postbacc and apply to medical school after getting a better MCAT score. Right now, your GPA is not the issue, your MCAT score is.
Yeah, your GPA is fine. Don't waste time and money on a post-bacc. Spend the money on improving your MCAT if you don't get in this year.
Yeah, your GPA is fine. Don't waste time and money on a post-bacc. Spend the money on improving your MCAT if you don't get in this year.

One of the main reasons that I was thinking about a post-bacc was because this year is my gap year. I'm working as a scribe and a newborn hearing screener so I'm getting paid clinical experience. I was thinking about doing a post bacc so I wouldn't be 2 years having been out of school and to kind of keep my mind fresh. Do you still think I should not do a post-bacc?
I think a 501 is too low for MD schools. You should be fine for DO schools though. Assuming your ECs are good, I think you should forget about a postbacc and apply to medical school after getting a better MCAT score. Right now, your GPA is not the issue, your MCAT score is.

My ECs are good. Just out of curiosity, I am still trying to figure out the difference b/t MD and DO. I know a lot of people argue saying that one is better than the other, and I'm not trying to start a big debate. I'm just trying to get an understanding. From what I've learned, MD makes it easier to specialize. DO it's easier to do primary care and harder to specialize. Is this right or wrong? What's your opinion?
I know you don't want to be out of school for two years. But spending the time and the money, on something that is not a priority is not a good idea. Besides, a postbacc is basically a degree to help you get into medical school if your GPA is low. I know you don't want to be out of school for two years, but does it really make sense to spend money and time and effort, on something just so you have the mental satisfaction of knowing you are doing something scholastic in those two years? Because, multiple degrees do not get you into medical school. Not to mention, unless you are applying to medical school, that degree has little to no practical use. In addition to which, pursuing that degree, (which would undoubtedly be a focus on your GPA) is NOT the right decision when your focus should be getting a better MCAT score. Post bacs are for people with lower than a 3.5 man.

DO isn't bad. I don't know about the difficulty in specializing but DO is a different approach to medicine (osteopathic). Whereas, MD is allopathic. @Goro should be able to shed some light on this matter.

Good luck to you. I'm sure you will make it. I KNOW you don't want to be out of school for the next two years by the time of matriculation, but I think it may be worth it if you get into medical school and improve the MCAT!
One of the main reasons that I was thinking about a post-bacc was because this year is my gap year. I'm working as a scribe and a newborn hearing screener so I'm getting paid clinical experience. I was thinking about doing a post bacc so I wouldn't be 2 years having been out of school and to kind of keep my mind fresh. Do you still think I should not do a post-bacc?

A post-bacc is for GPA remediation. Remember that there is a risk to your cGPA if you don't get A's in the post-bacc. Your cGPA is good, so you don't need to risk it. Your GPA won't expire like the MCAT, so don't waste any more time and money on the post-bacc, unless you think you need to improve you sGPA. If so, just take a few upper level DIY science courses at a local university. It does not have to be a formal post-bacc program.

Use the time to increase your non-clinical volunteerism if your clinical volunteerism hours are sufficient or do other things to increase your ECs to make yourself a more attractive candidate. Then kick ass on the 2nd MCAT retake.
I know you don't want to be out of school for two years. But spending the time and the money, on something that is not a priority is not a good idea. Besides, a postbacc is basically a degree to help you get into medical school if your GPA is low. I know you don't want to be out of school for two years, but does it really make sense to spend money and time and effort, on something just so you have the mental satisfaction of knowing you are doing something scholastic in those two years? Because, multiple degrees do not get you into medical school. Not to mention, unless you are applying to medical school, that degree has little to no practical use. In addition to which, pursuing that degree, (which would undoubtedly be a focus on your GPA) is NOT the right decision when your focus should be getting a better MCAT score. Post bacs are for people with lower than a 3.5 man.

DO isn't bad. I don't know about the difficulty in specializing but DO is a different approach to medicine (osteopathic). Whereas, MD is allopathic. @Goro should be able to shed some light on this matter.

Good luck to you. I'm sure you will make it. I KNOW you don't want to be out of school for the next two years by the time of matriculation, but I think it may be worth it if you get into medical school and improve the MCAT!

Thank you very much for your input! I greatly appreciate it.
A post-bacc is for GPA remediation. Remember that there is a risk to your cGPA if you don't get A's in the post-bacc. Your cGPA is good, so you don't need to risk it. Your GPA won't expire like the MCAT, so don't waste any more time and money on the post-bacc, unless you think you need to improve you sGPA. If so, just take a few upper level DIY science courses at a local university. It does not have to be a formal post-bacc program.

Use the time to increase your non-clinical volunteerism if your clinical volunteerism hours are sufficient or do other things to increase your ECs to make yourself a more attractive candidate. Then kick ass on the 2nd MCAT retake.

Thank you very much for your advice! I really appreciate it.
My MCAT is a 501. Which is why I'm a little worried. I sent secondaries back to 6 med schools. One of them is in state. Two are public out of state. And 3 are private.
You don't need a need to retake the MCAT if you're boning for the MD, or aim for DO schools.
I think a 501 is too low for MD schools. You should be fine for DO schools though. Assuming your ECs are good, I think you should forget about a postbacc and apply to medical school after getting a better MCAT score. Right now, your GPA is not the issue, your MCAT score is.
Retake MCAT in the spring. If it is significantly higher - apply, if about the same - aim for DO.
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