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Jan 6, 2019
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Can anyone that has been accepted to a postbacc or masters with low GPAs, especially from UCSF or SFSU's postbacc program post their stats?
I have an extremely low GPA, ~2.75, pre-dental. I do however have plenty of internship/shadowing/dental-club/leadership experience that I am hoping will prove how passionate and determined I am about getting into dental school. I know apps are open for UCSF and SFSU Feb 1st for summer acceptance, but I'm definitely open to going to any postbacc that will accept me.

TL;DR: please post your stats (GPA, DAT score(?)) if you were accepted into a postbacc

Separate question: some postbacc schools require you to have taken the DAT/MCAT/GRE , while some do not (including UCSF and SFSU). Did those that applied/got into a program take the DAT? I'm planning on taking the DAT by the end of this month, but honestly I'm not sure how well my score will be. It also seems counterintuitive since many post-baccs are to help prepare you for the test..

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I applied to SFSU post-bac fall and have not heard back yet, but I'll post my stats and keep you updated with my app/interview process (hopefully!!).

  • Currently 4th year undergrad majoring in molecular biology
  • cGPA: 3.36
  • sGPA: 3.23
  • Volunteer: 600+ hours through community service organizations on-campus
  • Research: 400+ hours as undergraduate researcher in epigenetic lab
  • Shadowing: 20 hours
  • Leadership Experience: 300+ hours serving as VP of Service/Academic Chair/and VP of Finance in my community service org. Raised over $1k, helped organization serve over 500 hours during my term, founded many resources and academic counseling that the organization uses to this day after my term
  • Work experience: 1000+ hours working as laboratory assistant and as student manager at school gym for the past 3 years, 150 hours working as community health intern
  • Other: socioeconomically disadvantaged (both UCSF and SFSU mission statements focus on socioeconomically disadvantaged and/or underrepresented minorities), increasing GPA trend (straight A's for the past 2 years vs academic obstacles in my first 2 years)