Pre-dental GPA

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7+ Year Member
Jun 16, 2016
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Hello, I currently have a BS in Public Health, and have worked in Microbiology (USAF-Active Duty), and have Dept of Defense & CDC (published 2x) on my resume.

I am currently taking the pre-requisites for dental school. Will be taking O Chem in the Fall.

My question is, how is GPA averaged for dental school screening? Are community college courses included (A&P, Microbiology)? Does my past work history & professional accomplishments aid in my application?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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Community college courses are included. Some schools do not accept pre-reqs taken at community colleges, so keep that in mind. The work experience and publications will certainly help, but they cannot replace a strong GPA.
Straight from the ADEA website.

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