Pre-SLP switching to Pre-Med... with a not-so-supportive boyfriend and family. Thoughts?

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May 4, 2020
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Hi Everyone,

So, I am currently studying Speech-language pathology at college that offers their program mostly online, which is great but here's the thing... I really feel like if I continue and become an SLP, I'd be settling with a career that I'm not totally invested in. I've wanted to be an MD since I was 12, but I kept pushing that dream away because "it wasn't the right time.", "I'll be in so much debt.", etc. Anyway, fast-forward, I am now 24 and I don't want to push this off any longer, but my boyfriend and family aren't exactly fond of the idea of me going to medical school.

Not to demonize, I love my boyfriend and we've been together for four years. He want's me around as much as possible but I'm a lot more career oriented than he is, I don't mind not being together for long periods. He knows that if I go to medical school I'm going to be away a lot. Both of our parents have also expressed disapproval given the fact that I'd be over 30 by the time I'm in residency (I know they mean well but, honestly big whoop).

Truth is, I was going to transfer to a great pre-med program last fall at Marist College (30 min commute) and I stopped my enrollment last minute after getting into an online SLP program. On paper SLP looked great: BA online, then a 2 year masters and a career with a flexible schedule, but after studying it for a while, it's just not what I want. SLP and Audiology are great fields, but I've shadowed both and neither are careers I see myself loving in the long run.

So I decided that I'm going to reapply to Marist again for either fall or spring and actually enroll and transfer in this time. I haven't told anyone yet, just for the fear of being berated or being told that pursuing medicine is scary and a bad idea.

Has anyone else gone to medical school with a somewhat clingy, long term S/O? Did it work out in the end? Not that this is going to change my decision, I'm just curious.

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I have no experience with what you're going through but all I can say is, good for you for working towards your goal despite your loved ones discouraging you. That takes guts and I hope you keep going!
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Make sure being a physician is the career you want. Definitely shadow if you haven’t done it yet. Many people love the idea of becoming a doctor, but after shadowing realize it’s something they never would want to do, like how you did with SLP. You don’t want to find that out before you already spent $ on a pre-med program, taken the mcat, done all the extracurriculars you need to do to be competitive.

If you still want to do it, you can make it work with your BF. I’m not in medical school yet, but plenty of medical students I met during my interview days were happily married or had a significant other. If this is the career you want go for it! Better to be in residency at 30 then stuck at a SLP job you dislike at 30.
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I am currently in a very similar situation. I just graduated on May 9th with my BS in speech pathology and audiology with a 3.8 GPA (and no debt). I've already committed to starting a 2-year SLP graduate program at the same university in the fall. I have student clinical experience in the field and loved working with my clients. However, recently I've felt a lot like you said, uninvested/unfulfilled/an ache or need to do more for clients and patients than just speech, language, and hearing therapy. I feel as if I have more to give.
I actually just turned 21 today and feel MD may be the path meant for me, but I'm having trouble confirming my desire to switch. My parents have expected me to be an SLP for the past 3 years of my being in college and are having a hard time even considering me looking at different paths. I'm torn between just finishing the 2-year grad program and deciding how I feel then (where I could have access to a well-paying job, a more stable schedule, etc), or if I should make the jump now and apply to post-bacc, pre-med programs. I'm worried about disappointing or annoying my professors and parents if I do decide to move on from speech, but at the end of the day I want to be in a career I love, without regrets.
If anyone has any advice, I would greatly appreciate it. My ability to shadow a physician/surgeon is currently limited due to covid, but I'm wondering if there are other ways to solidify the choice.
Hi Everyone,

So, I am currently studying Speech-language pathology at college that offers their program mostly online, which is great but here's the thing... I really feel like if I continue and become an SLP, I'd be settling with a career that I'm not totally invested in. I've wanted to be an MD since I was 12, but I kept pushing that dream away because "it wasn't the right time.", "I'll be in so much debt.", etc. Anyway, fast-forward, I am now 24 and I don't want to push this off any longer, but my boyfriend and family aren't exactly fond of the idea of me going to medical school.

Not to demonize, I love my boyfriend and we've been together for four years. He want's me around as much as possible but I'm a lot more career oriented than he is, I don't mind not being together for long periods. He knows that if I go to medical school I'm going to be away a lot. Both of our parents have also expressed disapproval given the fact that I'd be over 30 by the time I'm in residency (I know they mean well but, honestly big whoop).

Truth is, I was going to transfer to a great pre-med program last fall at Marist College (30 min commute) and I stopped my enrollment last minute after getting into an online SLP program. On paper SLP looked great: BA online, then a 2 year masters and a career with a flexible schedule, but after studying it for a while, it's just not what I want. SLP and Audiology are great fields, but I've shadowed both and neither are careers I see myself loving in the long run.

So I decided that I'm going to reapply to Marist again for either fall or spring and actually enroll and transfer in this time. I haven't told anyone yet, just for the fear of being berated or being told that pursuing medicine is scary and a bad idea.

Has anyone else gone to medical school with a somewhat clingy, long term S/O? Did it work out in the end? Not that this is going to change my decision, I'm just curious.
I'll give you the same advice as if you were my own daughter.

You already state that your gcareer goals are more inmportant than the relationship. That's OK. What will yoru SO do if you say "I'm going down this path?" Be supportive? if so, he's a catch. If not, dump his butt ASAP, because there's a whiff of control issues. Do you really wnat o go thorugh life wondering about what might have been? or resenting him for derailing your plans?

Now as to your parents, you''re an adult now. You can vote, drink, drive, work, pay taxes, run for political office and fight and die for your country. You're old enough to grow a spine and tell them, "I love your dearly, but this is MY decision, not yours."

Please tell your parents that students in their 30s and 40s have been some of my all time best students. One stellar gal graduated at age 50 and she's now an attending in CA.
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I am currently in a very similar situation. I just graduated on May 9th with my BS in speech pathology and audiology with a 3.8 GPA (and no debt). I've already committed to starting a 2-year SLP graduate program at the same university in the fall. I have student clinical experience in the field and loved working with my clients. However, recently I've felt a lot like you said, uninvested/unfulfilled/an ache or need to do more for clients and patients than just speech, language, and hearing therapy. I feel as if I have more to give.
I actually just turned 21 today and feel MD may be the path meant for me, but I'm having trouble confirming my desire to switch. My parents have expected me to be an SLP for the past 3 years of my being in college and are having a hard time even considering me looking at different paths. I'm torn between just finishing the 2-year grad program and deciding how I feel then (where I could have access to a well-paying job, a more stable schedule, etc), or if I should make the jump now and apply to post-bacc, pre-med programs. I'm worried about disappointing or annoying my professors and parents if I do decide to move on from speech, but at the end of the day I want to be in a career I love, without regrets.
If anyone has any advice, I would greatly appreciate it. My ability to shadow a physician/surgeon is currently limited due to covid, but I'm wondering if there are other ways to solidify the choice.

Okay, fist off, congratulations and happy birthday! Second, I think you are honestly in such a great spot to either switch paths or even take a year and explore other options! I know it's probably a very scary thought when you've only seen yourself as an SLP for the past 4 years, maybe longer. It's completely up to you, if you want to work as an SLP for a while before going for med school, but I would start shadowing ASAP... maybe during your downtime next semester? Then, if you're sure MD is what you want, you can withdraw and have the conversation with your family, who might be more supportive than you think. I told my dad recently, and he was actually a lot more receptive to the idea than I thought he would be. As for your professors, they honestly won't care. As a matter of fact, they would probably much rather you not go into speech-path. if your heart isn't in it. I'll leave it there, but good luck and follow your heart!
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I'll give you the same advice as if you were my own daughter.

You already state that your gcareer goals are more inmportant than the relationship. That's OK. What will yoru SO do if you say "I'm going down this path?" Be supportive? if so, he's a catch. If not, dump his butt ASAP, because there's a whiff of control issues. Do you really wnat o go thorugh life wondering about what might have been? or resenting him for derailing your plans?

Now as to your parents, you''re an adult now. You can vote, drink, drive, work, pay taxes, run for political office and fight and die for your country. You're old enough to grow a spine and tell them, "I love your dearly, but this is MY decision, not yours."

Well, I let him know that I MD is what I want and he was all for me not continuing on the SLP route, because he knew I wasn't totally into it. He's not crazy about the idea, but he's definitely coming around. As for our parents, we agreed to keep them out of my career decisions, ie. no more sit-down discussions about what I should do with my life. You're right, I'm old enough to pursue the career that I want and approval from the rents is not needed.
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