Premed office at my school useless, need advice.

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Feb 11, 2020
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So to sum it up briefly, the premed offices in my school are pretty useless and I need some help. I'm a senior however due to me switching majors I'm going to graduate a semester late. One of the main reasons for the switch was I was previously an engineering major and my sophmore year I took some electrial engineering courses which I did not like and they did not go well tanking my 3.8 GPA down to a 2.7 🙁. I'm now a biochem major and my GPA hasn't really improved, it's now standing at a 3.04 and my sGPA is probably around a 2.9. Now I'm confused about what I should do post graduation, I only have around 5 all science courses left and even if I get A's in all of them I don't think they will help my GPA all that much. I am now considering a post bacc or masters program, from what I read a post bacc is geared towards those who want to change their careers or those that don't have that much premed coursework completed and an smp is more high risk high reward. I really don't want to go through undergrad science courses again becuase I did pretty alright in most of them mostly A's or B's my is sGPA is low due to one D and 2 C's. Ideally if I do anything post grad I would want to get a masters degree out of it so if all dosen't work out at least I got a masters now as well. I haven't taken the MCAT becuase I wanted to focus on my grades. I also would like to do med school in the U.S. MD or DO. I don't really have anyone in my family in medicine who I can ask for advice and as I said the premed offices at my school are pretty useless (most of the time they won't even see you unless you got a 4.0 with all the ec's in the world), so my only advice now is from the internet 🙂.

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It seems you had posted before earlier in your time as a college student. You had mentioned your cousins were doctors? Did you follow Goro’s advice and read his guide to reinvention?

You could take classes at a university as part of a DIY post-bacc. It would be best to show you can do well in upper division science courses. A non-SMP masters is typically not the way to show you are a different student to medical schools. You need to find out why you are not doing well and what you can change about your studying.
It seems you had posted before earlier in your time as a college student. You had mentioned your cousins were doctors? Did you follow Goro’s advice and read his guide to reinvention?

You could take classes at a university as part of a DIY post-bacc. It would be best to show you can do well in upper division science courses. A non-SMP masters is typically not the way to show you are a different student to medical schools. You need to find out why you are not doing well and what you can change about your studying.
My 2nd cousins and due to "family drama" I can no longer speak to them unfortunately. I'll look into the DYI post-bacc's, what would you define as upper division science courses? Like higher level bio courses? Becuase since I'm a biochem major I've taken pretty much all the upper level chem and biochem courses offered.
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My 2nd cousins and due to "family drama" I can no longer speak to them unfortunately. I'll look into the DYI post-bacc's, what would you define as upper division science courses? Like higher level bio courses? Becuase since I'm a biochem major I've taken pretty much all the upper level chem and biochem courses offered.
Sorry to hear that, you can succeed on your own still. Some course suggestions are mentioned in Goro's guide. Things like virology, toxicology, and epidemiology for example.
My 2nd cousins and due to "family drama" I can no longer speak to them unfortunately. I'll look into the DYI post-bacc's, what would you define as upper division science courses? Like higher level bio courses? Becuase since I'm a biochem major I've taken pretty much all the upper level chem and biochem courses offered.
Read my guide as I have a suggestion on what courses to take.