Psychiatry Residency and Step Score

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New Member
Jun 23, 2018
Reaction score

I am interested in psychiatry residency and would like to match in California, where I am from. I am wondering, with my step score of 227 (a little above the average psych step score....I think average was 224 according the charting the outcomes), and someone being from an allopathic U.S. med school, what would be my chance of matching into schools such as UCLA, USC, UCI, Kaiser....or even places like Stanford, UCSF? And, how important is research in getting a good residency?


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My SO just matched psych into a big program on the east coast. Everyone SO's class that matched at the top psych programs over here had step scores that would have made them competitive for any specialty. Not saying you can't do it, but it's still very competitive at the top for psych