I have an easy time memorizing facts and little details. I already looked at the MLT exam and I think I can handle it. It's just that I hate memorizing certain aspects of biology like ecology and I think my gpa would be higher majoring in pysch. There's no MLS or MLT. This is a university. There is.a medical technology track at the medical school affiliated with the same system my university is in. I think I'm pretty set in majoring in pysch so I could somehow be accepted to an MT program with a BS in pysch if I get the pre reqs in? Oh btw what's a good gpa to get into a MT program? Ik they're pretty competitive but not as much as med school I hope? Is a MLT program at a community college less competitive than one at a university?
i'm confused about how you qualified to take the MLT exam without going through a program for it?
The set up usually is MLT is a two year program, either its own assoc. degree that allows you to get certified after completion, or just an option to get certified tacked onto another assoc. sometimes programs are run through a medical center.
Usually the MLS certificatin is tied to completion of a bachelors, either it's own or tied to something else.
Anyway. There are programs where you can do an MLS certification program after earning a BS in something else. Generally, there's a list of prereq courses on the school's website if they offer this. Then you usually complete some additional MLS coursework with a year long practical internship. There are a few different options available.
Now saying all that, if you do a psych degree, AND cover the pre reqs for medical school, AND the pre reqs for the MLS program you are going to be taking a whole lot of classes and spending a lot of money. There a good bit of overlap between the med pre reqs and CLS pre reqs, but some extra classes for sure. Esp. if you then actually get into and complete the MLS program. I'm really not sure I'd recommend that if Med is your end game. Unless you absolutely plan in using the MLS for a few years.
Just using my former state school as an example you'd have, all the classes for your pysch degree plus
Med pre req.
Biology 1.
Biology 2.
Chem 1.
Chem 2.
Ochem 1
O chem 2 or biochem
Physics 1
Physics 2
Language arts class (coverd in psych degree)
Math (poss coverd by stats req for pysch degree)
The MLS pre reqs for someone with a bachelors are
General Chemistry, 2 semesters
Organic Chemistry, 1* semester
Biochemistry, 1* semester
General Biology, 2* semesters
General Microbiology (can substitute MLS 394 for this course), 1* semester
Anatomy, 1* semester
Physiology, 1* semester
MLS 234 - Human Parasitology, 1** semester
MLS 301 - Immunology, 1** semester
MLS 325 - Hematology, 1 semester
MLS 325L - Hematology Laboratory (offered in an intensive hybrid format immediately prior to start of summer courses), 1 semester
MLS 340 - Molecular Diagnostics, 1** semester
Strongly Recommended
MLS 336 - Laboratory Calculations, 1** semester
MLS 394 - Medical Microbiology, 1** semester
*contact academic advisor for a list of approved online course options
** online sections offered