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Dec 23, 2015
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Reschedule. You need a solid 6 months of studying and a lot of CARS practice to be ready for what you want. The real deal is harder than AAMC #1. 124 on P/S also tells me you are lacking on studying P/S concepts (fortunately, this is the easiest section to raise).
definitely reschedule. You have the potential to score well, focus on P/S concepts watch Khan academy videos for P/S its pretty good. and do at least 3 CARS practice sections every day from here on. The ExamKrackers 101 CARS passages is pretty good, and more similar to the AAMC content. Of course the AAMC CARS QPack is the most representative.
P/S is not too hard to improve in. CARS takes a while so I would postpone as well. I made the mistake of not postponing and bombed the CARS section so take some advice from someone who has been there.