Ratemyprofessor for rotations

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2+ Year Member
May 11, 2020
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Note: I have mod approval for this post per @GoSpursGo

I just released RateMyProfessor for med student rotations at www.rotationsinfo.com.

We have a bunch of data for anything about rotations (housing, meals, best attending, etc). It's mainly meant for helping choose away rotations, but we also show data for school-specific core rotations. Would encourage any MS3/4s to check it out and add data (just hit the add rotation button the top right).

We also have a little funding from the university so if you submit 5+ reviews to the site we'll give a $5 amazon gift card (just email me at [email protected] with the reviews you submitted).

Also would be great if you could forward the link to any friends who could add reviews to the site, hoping this becomes the goto resource for any student deciding where to do rotations.

Let me know if there's anything you think I should change, wide open to suggestions.

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fantastic idea

What do you think about a tool like this for residency programs?

Like it would help us make rank lists bc its hard to know how good a program is just by a zoom session and maybe Q&A with residents.

But the issue is that residents are way less likely to post bad reviews since there’s so few of them for any given demographic (ex only 1-3 urology residents at a single program per year) so idk how much engagement we'd get.

What do you think about a tool like this for residency programs?

Like it would help us make rank lists bc its hard to know how good a program is just by a zoom session and maybe Q&A with residents.

But the issue is that residents are way less likely to post bad reviews since there’s so few of them for any given demographic (ex only 1-3 urology residents at a single program per year) so idk how much engagement we'd get.
So I imagine residency will be have the same issues as medical schools. People will be afraid to badmouth their programs.

I like my medical school (for example), but there are definitely criticisms I have. Am I airing those on this forum? Of course not. I hope to goodness nobody from my med school knows who I am
What do you mean?

Like docs putting up fake reviews for their own rotation sites?
People who are very socially inclined ask friends who are the residents/attendings who give good evals. I guess this could democratize things on second thought though
People who are very socially inclined ask friends who are the residents/attendings who give good evals. I guess this could democratize things on second thought though
That's a valid point - the way I see it, the cons are the same as that of RateMyProfessor, and RMP has proved to be super useful, so hopefully this becomes useful too.
People who are very socially inclined ask friends who are the residents/attendings who give good evals. I guess this could democratize things on second thought though

who took vox away and how long is he gone. knightdoc years ago and now vox.

adam silver you'll pay for this