Reading Comprehension Note taking vs highlighting

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Aug 7, 2017
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Last year I took Kaplan's course and they recommended reading and taking brief notes (names, dates, main topic) on each paragraph for the reading comprehension. My RC practice exams with them were usually around 16-17. On the real DAT I got a 22! I am not sure if I just got lucky with an easy essay on topics I knew or if I really deserved that grade. Now with the new highlighting feature I have practiced highlighting instead of taking notes a couple times. My practice exams have been about 18 for reading with DAT BC. So this is less than what I got on the real thing, but higher than my Kaplan practice exams. I like the highlighting idea because it saves time by eliminating the time I took writing, but I am not sure if it is hard to go back and find things in a highlighted text than by looking at my notes and finding the section. Part of me says just do it the way you got a 22, but part of me thinks that saving time with highlighting can help me get more questions done. Does anyone have any insight on this topic or advice? Thanks!

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Which method do you actually feel more comfortable with? It's difficult to compare differences across practice exams from different creators - higher than your Kaplan practice exams doesn't necessarily mean it's more effective and vice versa. I personally used neither mapping nor highlighting, but I would say a 22 on the real DAT indicates your original technique worked out really well for you.