Rearview Mirror: Dean's Letter Edition

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It feels so good to be back here post padding...
In case you didnt read the other thread yet, check out my sig line... *hint - the big blue letters.... :) )
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How is everyone's hunt for residencies going?
In case you didnt read the other thread yet, check out my sig line... *hint - the big blue letters.... :) )

Aw man, do I have to congratulate you twice, now? :rolleyes:
Are you actually still online?
Go away, go away, go away! Let me start working my magic!
One of the beauties of being married is that you are no longer expected to go to Grandma or mother's house every thanksgiving. It is fun to cook your own feast!
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this thanksgiving I am making a moister bird by marinating it in water containing salt, crushed garlic, peppers, black pepper, thyme, and a touch of brown sugar. :)
my stockpot isn't big enough so I am marinating the breast half for 3 hours and the leg half for 1 hour since it's moister. I am shooting for a table time of 4-5pm
The meal will be pretty simple - turkey, gravy, roasted mashed sweet potato, collard greens, and stuffing. I didn't plan dessert, though, what should it be? :confused:
we have ice cream, but that seems kind of lame. Maybe I will venture to the store for cake ingredients or buy a pie...
Can I come eat with you??? :) That sounds delicious!@!!
SPeaking of your turkey... I built a smoker last year for my senior design project in engineering and we smoked some turkey for Thanksgiving. It was pretty darn good. Im gonna make some fried apples later, that might be good to top the ice cream or a cake if you get one.
I got half a honey baked ham from the honey baked ham store yesterday. Plus we have green beans, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoe casserole, rolls, turkey, cranberry sauce.....and I think thats it... oh and like 5 different cakes mom decided to make.
If I dont put on like 40 pounds today it will be a miracle... :D
At my parents, we have turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, homemade rolls, broccoli and rice, pumpkin pies, green beans, and probably more for all I know.
H24G, if your turkey is as delicious as you or even your some leftovers, hehehe!:smuggrin:
sup peeps.. im about to go in and work the turkey day shift...
First interview tomorrow - finally! Hope I still fit into my suit after all that turkey...
Must... study... for... Psychiatry.....
I had a pretty great Thanksgiving!
My turkey was pretty good - moist but in retrospect I would have put even more spices
Really it was my cornbread dressing that stole the meal - I dare say it was better than my aunt's! :eek:
I will have to chill out on the holiday gorging and work out a bit more - my suits are loose, but not that loose :smuggrin:
I will have to chill out on the holiday gorging and work out a bit more - my suits are loose, but not that loose :smuggrin:

I guess that's some motivation to not gain weight. As for me, I have started my workout routine back up again and found someone else that was motivated to go to the gym, so now I have a push to continue going. Last week's routine worked about one day (final then out of town). Hopefully will be able to keep it up for the next few weeks before Christmas break.
I have had a good week of running 2 miles on MOnday, 2 miles yest and 3 today.. my goal is 8 miles per week which im well on my way to.
I try to do at least 1.5 miles a day on the elliptical. I'm trying to step it up these next few weeks because steroids are not good for losing weight.
I will help this thread out by sharing my excitement for EM interviews - hurray!!! :banana:
Do you think we could finish these threads by 2008, maybe????
Of course, I realize that if this was one thread, we would be closing it tonight....'ve been slacking off.
And I won't have as much spare time any more. Finished my easy section, and now onto the more difficult stuff again.
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