Repro in First aid

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7+ Year Member
Nov 30, 2014
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Has anyone noticed that the First Aid 2018 book is missing alot of different pathologies as compared to what is in the resources. There is alot of stuff covered in boards and beyond, pathoma, firecracker, and question banks that just aren't in First Aid. For example embryocarcinoma that is a type of germ cell tumor that is just not mentioned at all. Whats up with this, do I need to annotate whole sections into my First Aid 2018 or can I just consider these topics not tested anymore.

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You’re only fapping with the FA part of UFAP.

Add in UWorld and Pathoma.

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You can never say something will not be tested. Embryonal carcinoma is, however, low yield because it is rare and does not have distinct clinical features or serum markers.