Rescind admission??

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Alaska Dude

New Member
Jun 27, 2023
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Recently was admitted.

However upon doing a background check it came up positive for a possession of marijuana charge from when I was 18.

Charge was immediately dropped and I WAS NOT convicted. The marijuana was not mine, but I was the one driving the car.

I did not mention this on any primary or secondary as it didn’t even cross my mind!

Now the Med school is asking me to submit a report of what happened.

So my question is am I going to have my admission rescinded for this honest mistake? Should I even be worried?

Thank you

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Do what you are told and provide them an honest report. Give appropriate details.
Thank you, I have done just that. I forgot to add that the secondary did not ask about non-convictions.

Any ideas on my chances? Man this sucks so bad…
I refrained from commenting earlier because I was interested in what the more experienced forum members had to say. But for what it's worth, I agree with the others that this is also a "nothingburger." If I was reading your app and this was on your AMCAS I wouldn't care at all
I'm no lawyer or adcom - but it's almost certainly a nothingburger. You got busted for riding in a car with a stoner friend and then they realized the pot wasn't yours so they let you go. This isn't the kind of thing that medical schools worry about, and you were honest - the schools care about convictions, not arrests that might just as well have been cops grabbing the wrong guy and letting him go when they realize their mistake.