retaking classes?

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Mar 26, 2008
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I was wondering everyone's thoughts on retaking classes? I am currently debating whether or not I should retake my biochemistry class. I got a C- in the class (I had a HORRIBLE teacher, although I know that is no excuse for a bad grade). I was just going to apply to schools that didn't require biochem as a prerequisite but now I'm not sure if that is a good idea. I don't want to miss the chance of going to a good school, because I screwed up in one class. I know that they will ask you in your interviews why you retook it and everything, which I would definitely not be looking forward to. Any opinions???

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I don't think you should retake it as long as it does not affect your overall GPA that much. If you really want to prove to them you deserve a better grade and you need to boost up your GPA, then go ahead and retake it, but make sure you get a good grade though, otherwise you will have a lot of explaining to do.