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Dec 17, 2016
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So this semester I took a heavier load than I had in my first 2 semesters. My classes include Evolutionary Biology, Cell and Molecular Biology, Organic Chem, and Zoology. My cGPA currently sits at a 3.4, but this semester isn't looking pretty. As of right now I have an B+ in Evolution, a C in Cell and Molec, a C in Zoology, and a D in chem. I was planning on retaking chem if my final goes poorly, but I'm extremely worried about ruing my GPA. I struggled with some health problems and depression this year, making it hard for me to balance all my classes. Any advice on where to go from here?

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Retake the D and C's if you get the chance. Do better from now on.
Retake the D and C's if you get the chance. Do better from now on.

Strongly concur. Sorry to hear about the rough semester. Retake the courses of C or lower in a formal
or DIY postbacc. Be sure to try your absolute best to not have such a bad semester happen again (sorry to be straightforward).

Good luck to you OP.

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From an outside perspective it looks like you cant handle a heavy course load. Poor time management skills possibly? Truly reflect on your current situation.
Approximately 4 hours should be spent studying for every hour in lecture/lab. Also, look at a study technique called "pomodoro".
You had too much on your plate. Hopefully you will take a lighter approach in the coming months. Try your best to get A's from now on. A while back I did the same thing as you and I deeply regretted it. You don't have to take 20 credit hours to prove to adcoms that you can handle medical school. When an adcoms view your transcripts, they first scan for C's, D's and F's. Learn from this semester and crush your future classes. I am rooting for you because we need more underdawg doctors.
Before you do anything else, get the depression and other health problems under control.

So this semester I took a heavier load than I had in my first 2 semesters. My classes include Evolutionary Biology, Cell and Molecular Biology, Organic Chem, and Zoology. My cGPA currently sits at a 3.4, but this semester isn't looking pretty. As of right now I have an B+ in Evolution, a C in Cell and Molec, a C in Zoology, and a D in chem. I was planning on retaking chem if my final goes poorly, but I'm extremely worried about ruing my GPA. I struggled with some health problems and depression this year, making it hard for me to balance all my classes. Any advice on where to go from here?
Yea dude, don't stress too much. You can remedy the situation. But definitely dealing with your mental health is the most important thing. As soon as that is squared away everything else will fall into place for you.

You have time to retake these classes. Show an upward trend, do well on the MCAT(basically required for all of us to get in anyway) and you'll be good to go.