I'm a current third year making my clinical schedule right now. I have two blocks in which I want to do externships at sites where I would like to make a good impression for the match. However, the most important aspect of an internship for me is not something that can be found on the VIRMP website.. my biggest priority is the quality of life of the interns (which I'm well aware is limited in any internship). But the question is: HOW do I find out what the QOL is like at a given internship? I don't want to waste my two externships on places that I find I dislike, just to go into the match with my foot in the door at two places I don't want to work and no connection to those I might want to rank higher. Any advice on how to obtain this info would be seriously appreciated.
On that note, if anyone knows the reputations of any SA rotating internships in/around the following areas, I'd greatly appreciate your input!
On that note, if anyone knows the reputations of any SA rotating internships in/around the following areas, I'd greatly appreciate your input!
- NYC/northern NJ/southern CT area (specifically AMC, ASPCA, BluePearl, VERG, VCA Westbury, Guardian, Long Island Vet Specialists, Oradell, VCA Norwalk/Darien)
- Oregon/Washington (specifically VCA Northwest Vet Specialists in Portland, BluePearl Kirkland, Veterinary Specialty Center of Seattle)
- California (any)
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