Scheduling a new MCAT date?

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7+ Year Member
May 20, 2016
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Hey guys,

Quick question. I took the MCAT on 5/18, and feel like I did absolutely terrible on C/P and B/B! The C/P section wrecked me. From what I read, it caught a lot of people off-guard. To keep it short, I was wondering do I have to wait for my scores to be released before I'm able to reschedule? Or can I schedule now, and cancel if I need to when I get my scores (which I highly doubt). I know I would lose money, but I want to make sure I'm not stuck with a late MCAT date because everything is full!


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I feel you. I took 5/18 too and still can't wrap my mind around that C/P section.
I think you can go ahead and reschedule - I just logged in a few minutes ago to see if there were seats for June and the system let me go all the way to the point of choosing a seat. I stopped before I had to commit to paying - I guess I'm holding out hope that my scores turn out better than I was predicting walking out of there.
Best wishes on being pleasantly surprised by your scores!
Hey guys,

Quick question. I took the MCAT on 5/18, and feel like I did absolutely terrible on C/P and B/B! The C/P section wrecked me. From what I read, it caught a lot of people off-guard. To keep it short, I was wondering do I have to wait for my scores to be released before I'm able to reschedule? Or can I schedule now, and cancel if I need to when I get my scores (which I highly doubt). I know I would lose money, but I want to make sure I'm not stuck with a late MCAT date because everything is full!


You can schedule another 48 hours after your exam. Although I would probably just schedule an exam for July, just remember very few people think they did well after the test and end up doing extremely well (my friend scheduled another exam but ended up getting a 520 on the first one). I think you will be fine but having an extra date would be good to be safe.
Perfect! Thanks for the feedback!

I know what you mean though, you never really know until you get the score. I just have a really REALLY bad feeling about this one. So I guess we will see! lol