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May 6, 2018
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I’m reaching out for expert advice on what career path to choose!

I recently have been admitted to a clinical doctoral program (PsyD) and a school psychology program (MA) and I can’t ddcide which path to choose. I always wanted to get my doctorate, but I recently discovered how much I love working in a school. I am being told that if I got my PsyD I would be able to work in a variety of settings EXCEPT a school, which is making me reconsider my doctoral program. I like the ability to have more than one career path (as a PsyD would allow) but I really don’t want working in a school to be excluded as an option.

So, can someone with a PsyD work in a school? Does it make more sense to just get an MA in school psych or PsyD? All opinions welcome!!

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I’m reaching out for expert advice on what career path to choose!

I recently have been admitted to a clinical doctoral program (PsyD) and a school psychology program (MA) and I can’t ddcide which path to choose. I always wanted to get my doctorate, but I recently discovered how much I love working in a school. I am being told that if I got my PsyD I would be able to work in a variety of settings EXCEPT a school, which is making me reconsider my doctoral program. I like the ability to have more than one career path (as a PsyD would allow) but I really don’t want working in a school to be excluded as an option.

So, can someone with a PsyD work in a school? Does it make more sense to just get an MA in school psych or PsyD? All opinions welcome!!

Without more information as to your interests (aside from working in a school), it's hard to give specific advice as to which is the better option for YOU. That said, to answer your question, you generally cannot work in a school with a Clinical Psyd (that may depend on the state, I'm not positive). So basically what your decision comes down to is - be able to work in a school, or in a variety of other settings but not a school. Of course, there are all the other factors that go onto the decision, such as years of schooling, funding, etc.
I’m reaching out for expert advice on what career path to choose!

I recently have been admitted to a clinical doctoral program (PsyD) and a school psychology program (MA) and I can’t ddcide which path to choose. I always wanted to get my doctorate, but I recently discovered how much I love working in a school. I am being told that if I got my PsyD I would be able to work in a variety of settings EXCEPT a school, which is making me reconsider my doctoral program. I like the ability to have more than one career path (as a PsyD would allow) but I really don’t want working in a school to be excluded as an option.

So, can someone with a PsyD work in a school? Does it make more sense to just get an MA in school psych or PsyD? All opinions welcome!!
This seems like a good time to think about what your career goals are. What is the job you are wanting to have? What are the tasks you are wanting to do? Who are you wanting to work with?
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I’m reaching out for expert advice on what career path to choose!
So, can someone with a PsyD work in a school? Does it make more sense to just get an MA in school psych or PsyD? All opinions welcome!!

With my clinical Ph.D. I've worked in a variety of educational settings, including full time in private special education schools, as well as consultation to public schools. It depends on what you want to do. I've done admin, curriculum development, behavioral consultation, and educational/psychological/developmental testing. As a licensed psychologist (with appropriate training, of course- NEVER practice outside your areas of competency) you'd likely have credentialling allowing you to practice in schools (always check with state regulations). My experience has been that people with the actual job title "school psychologist" working in publice schools are generally credentialed as such at the master's level. Their job has always seemed to be VERY testing focused, with some additional intervention duties (such as running a social skills groups or developing behavioral interventions). There may be local legal requirements having a masters level school psychologist on staff or represented on certain IEPs, but I'm not aware of that being the case where I am. It's always seemed to me that it's more an issue of districts hiring the generally less expensive masters level school psych to cover the copious ammounts of day-to-testing. I've typically been called in for the more complex (clinically and politically) cases, as well as when it's desirable to have an non-school employee performing assessment and making recommendations.

In your case, if the Clinical PsyD is at an expensive professional school type program, you might find that the the MA makes a lot more sense financially, with much quicker and better return on investment.
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Without more information as to your interests (aside from working in a school), it's hard to give specific advice as to which is the better option for YOU. That said, to answer your question, you generally cannot work in a school with a Clinical Psyd (that may depend on the state, I'm not positive). So basically what your decision comes down to is - be able to work in a school, or in a variety of other settings but not a school. Of course, there are all the other factors that go onto the decision, such as years of schooling, funding, etc.

That’s the major dilemma I am experiencing. I currently intern in a public school and I love it. I love the children, the work, the hours, etc. However, I don’t know if it makes sense to turn down a doctoral level position for a MA position, especially if I can’t find a job in a school then my options are limited.
With my clinical Ph.D. I've worked in a variety of educational settings, including full time in private special education schools, as well as consultation to public schools. It depends on what you want to do. I've done admin, curriculum development, behavioral consultation, and educational/psychological/developmental testing. As a licensed psychologist (with appropriate training, of course- NEVER practice outside your areas of competency) you'd likely have credentialling allowing you to practice in schools (always check with state regulations). My experience has been that people with the actual job title "school psychologist" working in publice schools are generally credentialed as such at the master's level. Their job has always seemed to be VERY testing focused, with some additional intervention duties (such as running a social skills groups or developing behavioral interventions). There may be local legal requirements having a masters level school psychologist on staff or represented on certain IEPs, but I'm not aware of that being the case where I am. It's always seemed to me that it's more an issue of districts hiring the generally less expensive masters level school psych to cover the copious ammounts of day-to-testing. I've typically been called in for the more complex (clinically and politically) cases, as well as when it's desirable to have an non-school employee performing assessment and making recommendations.

In your case, if the Clinical PsyD is at an expensive professional school type program, you might find that the the MA makes a lot more sense financially, with much quicker and better return on investment.

Thank you. That information is really helpful. The dilemma is mainly that I have been interning in a school and I love it. I love the kids, the hours, and the setting. I worry that if I get my clinical PsyD I will struggle finding a career I love just as much.. but at the same time I do not want to be stuck in a room doing IQ testing all day.

I know I want to work with children, but I worry I will not find settings I can work in other than a school. And of course there is a significant financial difference between. The two programs.
This seems like a good time to think about what your career goals are. What is the job you are wanting to have? What are the tasks you are wanting to do? Who are you wanting to work with?

I know I want to work with children. I want to do a little bit of everything.. individual counseling, testing, etc. for some reason I am concerned the only place I will find a career I enjoy is in a school setting.
If the school setting is so attractive, then it is hard to beat school psychology. Clinical PsyD/PhD can work in alternative/residential schools and can certainly consult with regular schools. But you'll need a school psychology credential to work as a school psychologist, and that typically requires coursework and experiences that are not obtained in a clinical or counseling program.

A masters level school psychology career seems to check a lot of the boxes you are looking for. Depending on your district, you could do a little bit of everything - assessment, intervention, and consultation. Jobs are everywhere, so if you can be somewhat mobile you can hunt for a district that allows you the flexibility to practice how you like.

The downside is that a masters level school psychologist usually doesn't have the option to transition to other positions. Sometimes you can move up within a district, and sometimes you can move out into private practice (check your state regs), but neither are typical. A doctorate in counseling, clinical, or school psychology would give you more flexibility. You just need to be okay paying for it in terms of time commitment and (potentially) loans.
School psych PhD candidate here, about to head off on a peds neuro internship. Send me a direct message if you'd like and I'm happy to share my experiences!