career advice

  1. T

    What to do if you don’t think vet school is for you anymore

    I’ve been a vet student and I’m still feeling burned out and strained from that experience. I withdrew from the program in August and pretty much went straight into a different program. I can’t say that I’m extremely happy. I’m not really enjoying the courses. Over the past couple of weeks...
  2. corgo

    Stick it out with medicine or explore different career?

    I have always dreamt of becoming a doctor. In the Philippines, most kids rely on their parents for everything until they get their degree and marry off. Work is frowned upon (unless you are within poverty line), scholarships are scarce, and parents pay for school so no one really does loans/ get...
  3. C

    Residency Help!

    I am a Residency Program Director (PGY1 and PGY2) for 7 years and a clinical pharmacist. Recently I have received a few messages asking how I help pharmacy students get a residency interview without fear and uncertainty of the application process by utilizing my easy to follow residency...
  4. B

    Applying into child neurology

    Hi all, longtime lurker, first-time poster. I understand this forum is mostly geared toward adult neurologists but I’m hoping some members have insight into child neurology. I’m an M2 interested in pediatrics but thinking child neurology might be a good fit for me. Unfortunately my school...
  5. F

    The Impact of Medical School Disciplinary Actions on Match and Later Careers

    If someone cheated in medical school and got punished, how would that affect his match and career later on? In another situation, if a person is punished by the school many years after graduation, how will this affect his career? (The penalties discussed here do not include expulsion, more...
  6. H

    MD & DO Pathway to Academic Oncology Specialization in Lung Cancer

    big dreamer here: if you were starting out as a first year med student, what is the path you’d take to secure a dream job specializing in lung cancer and related environmental research/advocacy at an academic medical center? what about while adding on an MBA and wanting to combine academia with...
  7. F

    4th year MD student feeling anxiety towards residency choices

    TL;DR I'm not sure if I'm feeling cold feet towards a specialty I had always enjoyed or if my body is telling me I should pursue a different path. Hello internet! I am a 4th year MD student that could use some help. We are getting close to residency applications, and I'm feeling a lot of...
  8. Whatisthemeaningoflife?

    Veterinarian dreaming to go to US/canadian med school

    Hi, I am currently a final year vet student from south Asia. In the next 3 years, I will get a license to practice in North America (DVM) after passing a lot of difficult exams. However, I do not want to pursue vet med as it is not my passion and I studied it due to family pressure. I want to go...
  9. S

    Quitting PsyD Neuropsychology Program. Advice?

    I am a 3rd year PsyD student (5 year program). I've been so unhappy with my program and consistently question my career choices. Before starting my program, I was set on wanting to get into a PsyD program and specializing in neuropsychology. I recently started my external practicum year and I...
  10. M

    Undergrad seeking doctoral/post grad advice

    Hey everyone, I am a rising senior behavioral neuroscience major who was primarily interested in applying to PsyD programs in the Chicago area, with the Chicago School being my first choice (William James College in Boston as a second). I had considered this originally as I want to be a...
  11. C

    Medicine as Humanitarian Work/Missions

    Any students or Docs out there interested in medical missions long-term? Maybe not even long term, but making medical missions a significant part of your practice like practicing in US and going on short term trips throughout career? I was recently accepted to my state’s MD program and am...
  12. Perchperkins

    Do medical students and doctors have time to pursue hobbies and have a social life?

    Hi folks! Hopefully I’m posting this in the right section. I’m a premed student and I love science. However, I also have other hobbies like painting, creative writing, hanging out with friends and what not. I understand that medical school is very demanding and that many students become burnt...
  13. howardshouse

    Should I bypass a niche Masters for a PhD with little experience? Or is that ridiculous?

    Folks, I'm trying to gauge whether to get a Masters of Couples & Family Therapy first ⁠— something I’m certain I’d love, but wouldn't provide as broad opportunities down the road ⁠— or whether to go directly for a PhD in Clinical Psychology. Your insights would be really appreciated. My...
  14. C

    How has your view of dentistry changed over time

    Hi guys, hope all is well. I just wanted to know how you guys viewed dentistry before school, throughout school, and after. How have your views, passion, and liking of the job changed? For the better? For worse? Does the love for the job become even more over time?
  15. C

    Dental school for me?

    Hi guys, so recently I have been considering dentistry instead of medicine. I shadowed my dentist, and his work seems interesting, but honestly its really hard for me to know if I like something unless I’m the one who’s actually doing it, which of course isn’t possible. When watching vlogs and...
  16. C

    Career advice

    Hey guys. So up until now I was pursuing medicine. After a rigorous SMP and a gap year, I have been reconsidering it. I realized that although I want a job where I can work with people, use science, and be my own boss, the inherit extremely high level of stress in medical education and as a...
  17. C

    Sim lab vs real patients

    Hi guys, hope all is well. I’ve been reconsidering doing medicine for a while, and have been learning about dentistry. My question is, how similar is working in the sim lab to real patients? If you like sim lab, is that a sure sign you will like dentistry? I ask because when watching procedures...
  18. C

    Thinking of doing dental over med school

    Hi guys, I hope you’re all doing well. So the past year, I have been rethinking medicine. It seems that medicine takes over peoples lives even outside of work, even after training. The idea of dentistry sounds appealing because (like medicine) you’re involved with people, science, and can have...
  19. M

    MPH a Path to Research Coordinator?

    I have a BS in cognitive science and have experience working as a research assistants/coordinators, in the past. I'm feeling stuck in my career though. I would like to go back to school to get a higher-degree but don't feel that a PhD is the best fit for me. Would like to stay in research and am...
  20. M

    Neuroimaging Research Opportunities

    I have a BS in cognitive science and previous experience as a research assistant in a neuroimaging lab and really enjoyed that area of research (functional connectivity, default network, DTI, fMRI analysis in SPM, etc.). I want to advance my career but don't think a PhD is the best fit for me...
  21. M

    Career Advice - Neuroimaging Research Opportunities

    I have a BS in cognitive science and previous experience as a research assistant in a neuroimaging lab and really enjoyed that area of research (functional connectivity, default network, DTI, fMRI analysis in SPM, etc.). I want to advance my career but don't think a PhD is the best fit for me...
  22. M

    Neuroimaging Research Position Opportunities

    I have a BS in cognitive science and previous experience as a research assistant in a neuroimaging lab and really enjoyed that area of research (functional connectivity, default network, DTI, fMRI analysis in SPM, etc.). I want to advance my career but don't think a PhD is the best fit for me...
  23. M

    Confused with PT - Would really appreciate your help!

    I have been interested in PT for many years and keep circling the field because I'm very moved by it the work you do and how you empower lives. I'm also fascinated by neuroscience, anatomy, and physiology, which is why I'm confused that something isn't clicking with a rehab career... I have...
  24. M

    Confused with PT - Would really appreciate your help!

    I have been interested in PT for many years and keep circling the field because I'm very moved by it the work you do and how you empower lives. I'm also fascinated by neuroscience, anatomy, and physiology, which is why I'm confused that something isn't clicking with a rehab career... I have...
  25. M

    I like research, so why do I feel stuck?

    I have a BS in cognitive science and have worked in several psych/neuro labs at universities and hospitals throughout my 20s as a research assistant/technician/coordinator. I both really enjoy working with people and doing research, but am feeling stuck because I don't think getting a PhD and...
  26. M

    I like research, so why do I feel stuck?

    I have a BS in cognitive science and have worked in several psych/neuro labs at universities and hospitals throughout my 20s as a research assistant/technician/coordinator. I both really enjoy working with people and doing research, but am feeling stuck because I don't think getting a PhD and...
  27. J

    Career and Resource suggestions or advice.

    Hello, I am currently an undergraduate student exploring my career options. I have a minor in educational studies and know that I want to work with children. I have struggled with trying to find a career that suits my interests and abilities. I want to challenge myself to continue my education...
  28. C

    Tough Decision

  29. B

    PhD Job outlook for epi Phd... help!

    Hi everyone :hello:, I hold a MD degree from another country. I'm considering pursuing PhD, yet the JOB OUTLOOK discussion (linked below) doesn't look as promising as on school websites. → Questioning career/education choices...Public Health is not a good degree Can't help but wonder if it...
  30. samuel984

    Need advice for career and medical school application as an international student

    Hi there, It's really nice to see many posts and answers from friendly people here. However, I think my situation is quite unique, so I hope to find some advices here. I'm a second year master student of computer science in a UC school, and obtained my bachelor's degree of Biochemistry from...
  31. B

    Practicing while also working in a non-clinical setting part time?

  32. C

    MD vs Comp Sci HELP

    Hey guys, so I am debating between a CS or a MD (and slightly considering dental, but first I want to eliminate or not eliminate CS). I am going to college (a T10) this fall. I am taking an intro CS class as well as pre med requirement classes such as phys and chem, skipping out of intro bio and...
  33. C

    MD vs Comp Sci HELP!

    Hey guys, so I am debating between a CS or a MD (and slightly considering dental, but first I want to eliminate or not eliminate CS). I am going to college (a T10) this fall. I am taking an intro CS class as well as pre med requirement classes such as phys and chem, skipping out of intro bio and...
  34. A

    MD & DO Interested in Oncology/Radiation Oncology and want residency application tips?

    Medical students interested in radiation oncology careers as well as medical and surgical oncology, are invited to participate in an upcoming webinar featuring Dr. Neha Vapiwala of the University of Pennsylvania. The program will be held on Wednesday, April 17 from 3-4 p.m. Eastern Time. After...
  35. KeepingUpWithK

    Advice for those with low GPAs

    Hello all! So not trying to make anyone feel bad for me or anything but my years in college have been stressful. I had went from switching my major from Nursing to Biology (which was overwhelming and caused my GPA to drop) and posted questions on here previously to seek help throughout my...
  36. G

    Is BU Pathology retiring?

    In the "open positions" thread, which BU Pathology pretty much single-handedly maintains, I think his own job is posted. Several thoughts come to mind. Is this really true, or am I misinterpreting the post? Perhaps someone hacked his account and is trolling Dr. Remick. I cannot find his age...
  37. D

    Gas vs Rads

    I was really trying to get more information to make a decision between either of these two. I am a USMD newer med school; step 1 234, clinical grades have all been pass. I've talked to a PDs who have said that my step score was within range. According to Freida, rads average step scores seem...
  38. bbatasari

    International Dentist without DDS/DMD - US States

    Hey everyone! I am a Foreign-trained Dentist relocating to USA in a couple of months. I will be starting a Masters program in Orthodontics from a CODA approved school very soon. I do not have a DDS/DMD from any USA or Canadian Dental school. Before starting the program, I have a few questions...
  39. doctorstrangerthingz

    Whats is like being a hematologist/oncologist?

    Hi everyone, I'm an M1 and I've been giving a lot of consideration to heme/onc as a specialty (I know its still early to decide). Would anyone be willing to share what it is like to be a heme/onc doctor? Given the seriousness and life-threatening nature of the diseases encountered, do you...
  40. Footsteps Book

    For Sale "Footsteps: Profiles of Remarkable Healthcare Leaders" Book

    Available on Amazon This series of in-depth profiles of contemporary health care leaders provides a wide range of reflections on leadership in this complex and important sector. Each essay offers and intimate personal narrative, rich with details about key turning points, sources of...