Seeking advice for my gap years (acquiring additional research experience) -- please advise

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5+ Year Member
Sep 29, 2016
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Hi everyone,

I am writing today because I am seeking guidance regarding my gap years. I am in a special situation because after trying to decide between a regular MD and an MD/Ph.D., I finally decided to pursue an MD/Ph.D. However, I have only a year of undergrad research--since I transferred from a community college after obtaining my associates, which gave me only two years to conduct research. I ended up doing research only my senior year as my first year at the university was spent searching for labs that fit my interests. Although my experience my senior year was productive--co-author on a pending pub--it's still only a single year of research (though a year that sparked my interest in a career as a physician-scientist).

I realize I should work on gaining more research experience, which would involve prolonging my time off before applying; I've committed to this but now need help deciding what I should do during my gap years to make me a viable applicant.

1. Should a pursue a regular master's program in my field of interest?


2. Could I work as a research lab tech/assistant?

Which one of these would prove my interest in research best? Please advise.

Thank you!

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