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5+ Year Member
Apr 24, 2017
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Thank you everyone in advance, SDN is always crazy helpful.

As a reapplicant i was suggested to not send the same letters of rec. unless there are new ones to read as well. I am only a DO reapplicant. I applied MD also, but it takes so long to validate I'm sure it will come before i even get my secondaries... Also, I didn't even send the letters i'm waiting on to MD because I already have more than 4 already in queue.

Since you cannot select specific letters for AACOMAS and I have chose to apply half to new schools and half to the first round of schools I would LOVE to use some of my old letters for the new schools. (DO)

I am waiting on my new physican letters (They are swamped)...

Can I submit my application now and as long as I submit my letters before my secondaries go out would I be fine?

Edit: Submit my apps for DO that is

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