Senior Spring Classes

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Dec 5, 2016
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Hopefully on December 1st, we all will be receiving some good news!

With that being said and the hopes of receiving good news, does anyone know if dental schools care about the strength of our schedule senior spring (assuming we get in before then). I was considering taking no science classes and instead take personal finance, intro to piano, etc.

Side note, is immunology a course offered to D1 students? I would take science classes if they will help me prepare for the D1 year.

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Hopefully on December 1st, we all will be receiving some good news!

With that being said and the hopes of receiving good news, does anyone know if dental schools care about the strength of our schedule senior spring (assuming we get in before then). I was considering taking no science classes and instead take personal finance, intro to piano, etc.

Side note, is immunology a course offered to D1 students? I would take science classes if they will help me prepare for the D1 year.
As long as the prerequisites have been met I don’t think it really matters what you take. However, any and all upper level science class are always a bonus for dental school.