Should I be taking the DAT this summer?

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Sep 30, 2016
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Hi guys I just had a question whether or not i should be taking the DAT this summer or wait? I am a sophomore at the moment and by the end of this year I will have taken (important classes for Dat ignoring electives and other classes):
Physics 1(this year so fresh)
Stats 1 and 2 (this year so fresh)
Chem 1 and 2
Bio 1 and 2(This year so its fresh)
Genetics(this year)
Organic 1 and 2 (this year so fresh and I tutor Ochem 1)
Calc 1
English Comp 1 and 2

Im planning on applying my junior year so about a year and a half from now but I don't exactly know when the best time to be studying for me is.. I know I wasn't the best standardized test taker in high school but I really started grasping the material in college and got my **** together. I thought this summer would be the best considering I wasn't planning on taking any courses while studying and I can just focus on it.

Any help would be appreciated on anything. If I'm taking it too early or if i should wait on some classes..

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Hi guys I just had a question whether or not i should be taking the DAT this summer or wait? I am a sophomore at the moment and by the end of this year I will have taken (important classes for Dat ignoring electives and other classes):
Physics 1(this year so fresh)
Stats 1 and 2 (this year so fresh)
Chem 1 and 2
Bio 1 and 2(This year so its fresh)
Genetics(this year)
Organic 1 and 2 (this year so fresh and I tutor Ochem 1)
Calc 1
English Comp 1 and 2

Im planning on applying my junior year so about a year and a half from now but I don't exactly know when the best time to be studying for me is.. I know I wasn't the best standardized test taker in high school but I really started grasping the material in college and got my **** together. I thought this summer would be the best considering I wasn't planning on taking any courses while studying and I can just focus on it.

Any help would be appreciated on anything. If I'm taking it too early or if i should wait on some classes..

All I had taken before my DAT was a Zoo lab, physics, chem 1 &2 and o chem . I was in ochem 2 and genetics, it didn't hurt me. I took it during spring of sophomore year, if you feel ready for it go for it.
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I also took it during the summer before my junior year and I did fine. You can do it, just put in the time and effort and you will be fine :)
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I don't think physics even matters for the DAT.
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Agreeing with if you feel ready for it. There's no reason to wait, unless you will be exploring topics relevant to the DAT further in depth than you already have. But you have the foundation, take it before the knowledge and fact memorization wears away.
Not sure if you've taken physiology or anatomy yet, but if I took those courses before my DAT it would have definitely helped my bio score.
I took AP Anatomy and Physiology and Highschool which was pretty in depth so I'm hoping to just have to refresh myself on the material, but i really do feel ill be more ready and never have more time than this summer to really sit and focus on it.
I took AP Anatomy and Physiology and Highschool which was pretty in depth so I'm hoping to just have to refresh myself on the material, but i really do feel ill be more ready and never have more time than this summer to really sit and focus on it.
Sounds like you're ready then. I never took AP either so I feel like you'll do great. Good luck! Keep us updated.
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