Other Should I say I have a position?

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5+ Year Member
May 10, 2017
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I'm currently in a PGY-1 prelim, applying to PGY-2 categorical and prelim positions. At the moment I've been accepted into a prelim PGY-2 program but I'm still looking for that elusive categorical spot anywhere that would take me.

My question is, in these postings that open up for categorical spots, when I send in an application packet, would it be more appealing to a program director to know that I have a PGY-2 prelim spot offered to me and would they make more of an effort to try to interview me for a categorical spot since I'm now "wanted" by a program, or would it not particularly matter? Or would it be a detriment since I'm already "off the market" and would leave a vacancy in a program that thought they had filled it?

Any input from those involved in the application process would be helpful.

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I think you should let them know you want the position and are ready to start on a moment's notice. Keep the prelim info to yourself. They are looking for hard workers that fit in their system to fill the open spot.

Do not give anyone a reason to cut you loose. You tell them you are ready and will start immediately and look forward to demonstrating your work ethic for them. Your goal is a categorical spot, not some prelim year. This is in your best interest. Programs do not think twice about the applicants they turned down or fired. Do not think twice about doing what is best for you.
I always let them know I want the position and would be available to start ASAP. I'm just wondering if I should also let them know that I already have a prelim spot for next year in my hand and if that makes me a more appealing candidate for them to offer me a categorical spot in their program.
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I always let them know I want the position and would be available to start ASAP. I'm just wondering if I should also let them know that I already have a prelim spot for next year in my hand and if that makes me a more appealing candidate for them to offer me a categorical spot in their program.

I do not see how that would make you more appealing to them. It may hurt you in their eyes.
Are you saying this with actual experience in choosing applicants for interviews or just speculation and hypothesizing?