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For those that had admission days the 22nd, how was it
It wasn't too bad. It went by pretty fast. Like everyone said, focus on the interviews. I think it was the most nerve-racking part of the whole process. Everyone there were pretty nice so that helped. When is your admission day?

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It wasn't too bad. It went by pretty fast. Like everyone said, focus on the interviews. I think it was the most nerve-racking part of the whole process. Everyone there were pretty nice so that helped. When is your admission day?
Originally February 25th but now March 8th
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Admission day was a success in my books. Hopefully I get in
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When will Cycle 2 receive admission notifications?
We should be receiving admission notifications by April 8th I believe.
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I heard April 8th from Mr. Tom Shea
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But April 1st would be LITTT
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Did anyone confirm if we find out today or April 8th?
I got an email that I was accepted!
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I was denied . I wish everyone success
Take it as a blessing in disguise. Pray about it and ask for direction in your career. If you feel it on your heart to re-apply, then do so next cycle. Other than that, dont get discouraged because as long as you are passionate and keep trying, it will all work out in the end.
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Hey everyone. My name is Cheron Perkins and I am finishing up my second year at MEDREP and I am looking for someone to sublease my apartment/ townhouse for the summer. I live at the University Village which is 5 mins from campus and about 15 minutes in walking distance.It includes a pool, gym, tanning bed, daily popcorn and coffee and FREE PRINTING! My sublease will start May 15th-July 31st (but we can work out the days if need be). The rent is $470 a month. This is a great way to get a feel for the Carbondale community and living space. I have attached the University Village link so you can view pictures of the apartment. Please contact me if you're interested at [email protected]. I am happy to answer any questions about University Village as well as MEDPREP and any other questions which you may have. Good luck to everyone, this is the beginning of your future!!



  • Apartment Sublet.docx
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@Future Dr. Fe Fe @Dr.JoceGirl Congrats on completing the program!! For incoming students, I'd like to know if working part-time is doable during the program? If so, are we given resources to search for jobs?
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Hey everyone. My name is Cheron Perkins and I am finishing up my second year at MEDREP and I am looking for someone to sublease my apartment/ townhouse for the summer. I live at the University Village which is 5 mins from campus and about 15 minutes in walking distance.It includes a pool, gym, tanning bed, daily popcorn and coffee and FREE PRINTING! My sublease will start May 15th-July 31st (but we can work out the days if need be). The rent is $470 a month. This is a great way to get a feel for the Carbondale community and living space. I have attached the University Village link so you can view pictures of the apartment. Please contact me if you're interested at [email protected]. I am happy to answer any questions about University Village as well as MEDPREP and any other questions which you may have. Good luck to everyone, this is the beginning of your future!!

Hey, I was wondering will you guys be selling your current furniture? I’m not sure if I can move all of my furniture with me.
Hi all! I am currently an undergraduate student (expected graduation date May 2021) and I am looking to apply to SIU MEDPREP for the 2022 cycle. I was wondering if someone could give me a bit of clarification on something- I looked over all of the prereqs and saw it states "all or all but 1" for the classes to complete prior to applying. So do I need all of them listed completed? I have all of the classes complete except orgo so I'd prefer to not re-take it if I don't have to. I got a D in orgo the first time I took it and never re-attempted. Thanks for any help in advance!
Hi all! I am currently an undergraduate student (expected graduation date May 2021) and I am looking to apply to SIU MEDPREP for the 2022 cycle. I was wondering if someone could give me a bit of clarification on something- I looked over all of the prereqs and saw it states "all or all but 1" for the classes to complete prior to applying. So do I need all of them listed completed? I have all of the classes complete except orgo so I'd prefer to not re-take it if I don't have to. I got a D in orgo the first time I took it and never re-attempted. Thanks for any help in advance!
Hey I applied for this program about a year or two ago and was ultimately rejected. They let me know that it was due to the fact that I had 2 D's and must have at least C's in order to proceed. It might be helpful to redo those classes.