Small Rotatings: Need help deciding

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Feb 8, 2022
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Hey everyone,

I'm trying to decide between my top two for small rotating internships (with eventual exotics specialization being the overall goal). Does anyone have any input between Garden State Vet Specialists in NJ vs. Metropolitan Vet Hospital in Ohio? They are fairly comparable on paper in many ways, and while I feel like I couldn't go wrong with either, I want to make sure I do my due diligence and make sure I know everything I can. I have gotten some feedback from current interns, but fairly short responses. Thanks so much for your input!

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Is one location more desirable as a possible job prospect?
Metro does have an avian exotics internship, however it is of course more companion animal based rather than zoo, but still a great option to continue on if they would consider me.
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Metro does have an avian exotics internship, however it is of course more companion animal based rather than zoo, but still a great option to continue on if they would consider me.
In my opinion an externship is best spent at a place that could be a job audition ( for you and for them) if all other considerations are roughly equal
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Does anyone have any input between Garden State Vet Specialists in NJ vs. Metropolitan Vet Hospital in Ohio?
A classmate of mine is a current intern at Metro (I believe interest long term is ER) and a friend from Illinois class of 2019 was an intern at Garden vet (long term interest was wildlife/exotics). I can reach out and ask if they feel that either hospital seems to help long term with zoo/exotic med goals.
A classmate of mine is a current intern at Metro (I believe interest long term is ER) and a friend from Illinois class of 2019 was an intern at Garden vet (long term interest was wildlife/exotics). I can reach out and ask if they feel that either hospital seems to help long term with zoo/exotic med goals.
Thats so awesome of you to offer thank you! I would love that if you can, feel free to message me or write here.
Anyone have any thoughts about Friendship in DC? Feel like the salary is low for the cost of living there even though this is the norm!
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A classmate of mine is a current intern at Metro (I believe interest long term is ER) and a friend from Illinois class of 2019 was an intern at Garden vet (long term interest was wildlife/exotics). I can reach out and ask if they feel that either hospital seems to help long term with zoo/exotic med goals.
Sorry to bug you, any chance you've heard from them? Hoping might help with ranking ;)o_O
Sorry to bug you, any chance you've heard from them? Hoping might help with ranking ;)o_O
So went to text them again and saw that I completely forgot to! I apologize for my pregnant blonde self 🤣 Actually texted them and got a response from both.

My friend that went to Garden State heavily *does not* recommend them. Their hindsight perception is that they utilize interns as purely cheap labor. She saw a single wildlife patient and exotics patients were few and far between. She does not recommend them at all.

My friend currently at Metropolitan says that the only experience the rotating interns get with wildlife/exotics is during ER rotations where they will consult with the current exotics interns. However, she feels she's learned a lot from these experiences. I further asked if Metro takes current rotating interns as exotics interns the following cycle and she said that most of the current exotics interns were first year interns that had not previously done a rotating internship. However, she thinks that if someone proved themselves a competent and capable rotating intern, they would potentially be accepted as an exotics intern.
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So went to text them again and saw that I completely forgot to! I apologize for my pregnant blonde self 🤣 Actually texted them and got a response from both.

My friend that went to Garden State heavily *does not* recommend them. Their hindsight perception is that they utilize interns as purely cheap labor. She saw a single wildlife patient and exotics patients were few and far between. She does not recommend them at all.

My friend currently at Metropolitan says that the only experience the rotating interns get with wildlife/exotics is during ER rotations where they will consult with the current exotics interns. However, she feels she's learned a lot from these experiences. I further asked if Metro takes current rotating interns as exotics interns the following cycle and she said that most of the current exotics interns were first year interns that had not previously done a rotating internship. However, she thinks that if someone proved themselves a competent and capable rotating intern, they would potentially be accepted as an exotics intern.
Thank you very much! Definitely helpful I appreciate it.