Some advice for 2nd time applicant

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7+ Year Member
Jun 28, 2016
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Hey Everyone,

Little background about me:

Applied to 14 schools back in 2019:

3.4ish oGPA/3.1 sGPA
DAT: 18AA/19TS/17PAT

500+ hours of shadowing
500+ hours of volunteering

4 strong LOR's

I ended up getting one super late interview in April 2020 which ended up being virtual due to covid. I got waitlisted a few weeks after and eventually denied.

After that I enrolled in a masters program in biology (started in 2020)

I am defending my thesis this May and I am about to reapply to dental schools this June.

My masters GPA is 3.83. I have won several research related awards (travel grant, abstract publication, poster award) and I have continued to volunteer where I can.

As part of my masters funding, I have taught two sections of intro to bio lab every semester (Graduate Teaching Assistant)

Since my thesis work is beginning to wind down, I have the time to volunteer/shadow which I am trying to do at my state dental school.

I have to retake my DAT this summer because that first score is old and I tried retaking it last year (which I shouldn't have) and ended up doing worse than the first time due to there being too much on my plate with my thesis work.

This time around I am going to apply to at least 20 schools. I feel like I have much more to talk about and bring to the table than I did back in 2019. Furthermore, I don't think I was mature/experienced enough overall in 2019 to be a viable applicant to dental school. As a current 25 year old grad student, I have come to realize this lol.

With all that being said, I would appreciate any general advice you may have.


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Looks like you have all the right pieces for an excellent application. Just make sure you knock the DAT out of the park. Your new score needs to be in line with your mGPA. I'd say 21+ in all categories is the right goal.
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I had very similar stats! However, your GPA is stronger due to your masters. I have 3.4 ogpa and spga after a 3.77 post bacc. I was a 2nd time applicant this cycle and got 3 acceptances so far. I retook my DAT in September 23 AA/ 25 TS/ 22 PAT, but I still got 4 interviews with my original DAT of 20AA/20TS/ 20 PAT. Just study really hard for your DAT and don't rush it. You will be totally fine!
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Retake the DAT. Write down what you want to improve on this time around before you start studying again. I know it maybe be overwhelming to study for DAT all over again but im sure you'll do great.
Looks like you have everything to be a great re-applicant. You will stand out applying a second time for sure. Use DAT bootcamp to prepare for the DAT. It's an awesome program well worth the money. You might can even find discount codes online! I think Laura Smiles (YouTuber) has one. Or if you send the bootcamp people an email/message on their website and ask for one. Good luck!