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10+ Year Member
Dec 7, 2008
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So many years ago (like a decade now I guess) I would come on here and look into different career paths. I was actually very close to becoming a pharmacist.
Everyone here was a severe Debbie downer about this career path at the time. Today I learned that both my pharmacy and my partner's pharmacy are both temporarily closed because they can't staff a pharmacist despite raising compensation sharply. I come back to these forums from time to time bc my partner considered the field as well and for a little nostalgia, so naturally I thought to take a look and ... it's still Debbie downer time.
Why is it always so glum? It's not this glum for my profession despite reimbursement actually falling during this high inflation (continuing a 15+ year trend with no end in sight). Things seem so untethered.

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75% of the available positions that I see in my geographical area are either with CVS, Walgreen's or Rite Aid. Those are the 3 most toxic places a pharmacist can work. The other 25% are from temp agencies that are trying to fill those very same vacancies by luring in pharmacists and not telling them up front where they will be placed. So yeah, there are jobs available, if you consider any of those hellholes viable options. Anyone with any knowledge of how these companies treat their pharmacists does not.
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75% of the available positions that I see in my geographical area are either with CVS, Walgreen's or Rite Aid. Those are the 3 most toxic places a pharmacist can work. The other 25% are from temp agencies that are trying to fill those very same vacancies by luring in pharmacists and not telling them up front where they will be placed. So yeah, there are jobs available, if you consider any of those hellholes viable options. Anyone with any knowledge of how these companies treat their pharmacists does not.

This. There is a reason that Walgreens is throwing $75k signing bonuses at anyone with a license and a pulse to work at certain locations, yet still few or no one would take them.
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So many years ago (like a decade now I guess) I would come on here and look into different career paths. I was actually very close to becoming a pharmacist.
Everyone here was a severe Debbie downer about this career path at the time. Today I learned that both my pharmacy and my partner's pharmacy are both temporarily closed because they can't staff a pharmacist despite raising compensation sharply. I come back to these forums from time to time bc my partner considered the field as well and for a little nostalgia, so naturally I thought to take a look and ... it's still Debbie downer time.
Why is it always so glum? It's not this glum for my profession despite reimbursement actually falling during this high inflation (continuing a 15+ year trend with no end in sight). Things seem so untethered.
  • Phone is ringing, they want a pharmacist.
  • Your scheduled shot is here.
  • Your earlier shot that didn't show up is here and they want to go first, they have ice cream in the car.
  • I need a counsel at the window.
  • The doctor is on the phone.
  • I have a mad person at the window bringing back test strips that we got wrong like we "always do"
  • I have a walk in flu shot who also wants to know if she is due for tetanus, yellow fever, or monkeypox vaccine
  • "Excuse me sir, why don't you carry the BBQ flavor doggy treats any more?"
  • The lines are long, your techs need a break
  • Maybe you need to pee
  • Maybe you need to drink some water (but then you'd need to pee)

Pharmacy 10 years ago was fun work. I loved working with a team of people every day to solve a different slate of problems each shift. Pharmacies have two main costs they can control: inventory and staff. You can only lower drug cost so much. Next? Cut hours!

I'd recommend any potential applicants take a long hard look at the profession before settling on pharmacy. Because if you don't like retail and can't get a hospital or industry job, you're left looking for rare unicorn positions. Meanwhile, a bored or burnt out RN is qualified for an infinite number of jobs ranging from clinical to administrative across a wide variety of settings.
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There is no shortage of licensed pharmacists. There is a shortage of licensed pharmacists willing to work for $50/hour under current conditions in most retail settings.

There is a huge shortage of jobs and glut of pharmacists wanting to go into non-retail roles. Such positions still get hundreds of applicants.
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My wife workd as a RN making 90/hour. The money they are throwing at pharmacist is nothing. The chains need to find a way to make this a career and not just another Amazon.
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My wife workd as a RN making 90/hour. The money they are throwing at pharmacist is nothing. The chains need to find a way to make this a career and not just another Amazon.
Nurses are now making more than family docs and pediatric docs.
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