Stressing over ECs

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7+ Year Member
Dec 8, 2014
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So I'm currently in my 4th semester at Texas A&M, and I feel like I'm not involved in enough things on campus, but I also feel like my schoolwork doesn't allow any extra time to join more organizations.
Currently, I am a member of the Pre-dental society, and I volunteer at a local hospital on Saturdays. In the past, I have attended SMDEP (Summer Medical and Dental Education Program), volunteered at The Big Event (one-day service project at my school), and volunteered at BUILD (organization that builds portable medical units and sends them across the world to poverty-stricken areas).

I have tried applying for leadership positions in The Big Event and BUILD, but I was denied after the interview process in both organizations. Now, I am currently working on an application to be a peer-tutor on my campus, but I'm not sure if I will get the position considering we are already almost halfway through the semester.
With that being said, does anyone have any advice on other ways to get involved during the semester?

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Just keep in mind. Dental schools would rather see you do a few EC activities consistently over 4 years rather than many random activities inconsistently.

Good point. I think my major worry is just a lack of leadership positions. That's the main reason I'm applying for a tutoring job
Good point. I think my major worry is just a lack of leadership positions. That's the main reason I'm applying for a tutoring job
Yeah, for that section of TMDSAS I only had 2 things to put there. Yeah tutoring would be perfect.
What are considered "leadership" positions?
What are considered "leadership" positions?
I had a conversation about that with an admissions officer actually. There's no real limit on what you could put there.
For instance. Lead a fund raiser or something you could put it in that section. Or if you took a group of students to volunteer at give kids a smile that would qualify too.
Being a tutor qualifies too since you're directing other students. If that makes sense. It's much broader than you think.
I am a Texas resident as well! I didn't really have any big "leadership roles" throughout undergrad either, but I just made sure I stood out in other parts of my application such as shadowing/assisting experience and academics. I interviewed and was accepted to all three schools 🙂 Don't stress too much over this. During interviews you may be asked about leadership experience, and you will just need to come up with examples of times you were a leader (but didn't necessarily have the title).
Your ECs are already better than mine. I really only had volunteering experiences, and I had 4 acceptances.

There were a few interviews that had questions like "Name a time you had to make a hard decision as a leader." I had good answers for questions like that based on general experiences I've had throughout life. A lot of student organizations have useless positions that exist solely to fill up a bullet point on an application. My advice is to involve yourself in things that you're actually passionate about so you can convey that during interviews.