Sullivan University c/o 2014

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Thanks on interview invites, if you get an invite-are you almost guaranteed of getting in??? Does any one know the stats on the invites? Pinky00, good luck on your MPH degree this Fall and not quitting. That's an awesome degree to have! You will be definitely get in by the hard work and determination you've shown so far. Your undergraduate grades are "minute" compared to what you are doing now. That I applaud you.

Just because you get an interview doesn't mean that you will be accepted. Applying early always increases your chances, however if you don't impress in your interview, you have a lower chance of being accepted.

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Just because you get an interview doesn't mean that you will be accepted. Applying early always increases your chances, however if you don't impress in your interview, you have a lower chance of being accepted.

i applied in mid august ? is it consider as early ?
i know a lot folks out there turn their applications in mid june and early july :(
I was told there was 200 apps carried over from last year. Be sure to make your personal statement an awesome one and good luck to all of you :thumbup:
do you know the the class size of current p1 year ?
or anyone knows please share :)
I heard that Sullivan aims at students with degrees since they don't look at PCAT score.

Do you know if this true?

a lot of friends of mine said they applied to sullivan and didn't get invites for interview but they got accepted into the University of kentucky (top 5).

I dont know if I should also apply to SUCOP.

I wouldn't be surprised if in a few years that it becomes a requirement to have a degree for admission into pharmacy school. Who knows though as you have the 0+6 and 2+4 schools around.

I think the vast majority have their degrees in the Class of 2013, though there are a few that do not have their degrees yet.
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is there any body know when the adcom starts to interview ?
I just got a reply from Paige that she has no updates as of right now..
Once you get word that you received an interview slot (usually via email) call ASAP to get your appt.
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Once you get word that you received an interview slot (usually via email) call ASAP to get your appt.
thanks wes011 for your concern,
so how long did u have to wait for the interview right after u submitted the appl ? and when did u submitted the application last year ?
please share with us if this is not too personal.
thanks wes011 for your concern,
so how long did u have to wait for the interview right after u submitted the appl ? and when did u submitted the application last year ?
please share with us if this is not too personal.

I submitted my app at the end of July, they started interviews in September and they extended out too many interviews for slots so I didn't get mine till October 1st. I know of other people that called shortly after me that didn't get interviews till December, but what stunk is SUCOP realized they didn't have enough slots so the backfilled with open Thursday slots so some people were able to interview before me and others who had their interviews set-up first.
Am i supossed to send my application with LOR's (sealed and signed by the people who wrote them) together, or do the people who wrote the LOR send them directly to the school? If its the ladder, how would the school know that the LOR belongs to me? Thanks
Am i supossed to send my application with LOR's (sealed and signed by the people who wrote them) together, or do the people who wrote the LOR send them directly to the school? If its the ladder, how would the school know that the LOR belongs to me? Thanks

They can be done either way but it will save you a lot of time and worry if you send them together to the school. If sent separately, the recommender would need to indicate your SSN, DOB or address or a combination of all three.
They can be done either way but it will save you a lot of time and worry if you send them together to the school. If sent separately, the recommender would need to indicate your SSN, DOB or address or a combination of all three.

I sent one of my LOR from one of the pharmacists I work with with my application, and my Organic Chem professor sent in my other LOR from her by herself. As far as I know, they never contacted her about needing my info, and I know they've seen my app because they sent me that weird email. So, i dunno. :eek:
Am i supossed to send my application with LOR's (sealed and signed by the people who wrote them) together, or do the people who wrote the LOR send them directly to the school? If its the ladder, how would the school know that the LOR belongs to me? Thanks

Your person writing the LOR should identify you. I just followed up two weeks after I knew they were sent in to make sure they had everything they needed from me.
Your person writing the LOR should identify you. I just followed up two weeks after I knew they were sent in to make sure they had everything they needed from me.

I did the same. I even addressed the envelopes and provided a stamp to all 3 people I had write me letters. I also provided a typed up note with all of my information (DOB, address, name, and phone number) so they could provide that along with whatever they wanted to send with the form. I don't think it matters if you do that though, because sullivan had that LOR form online that they had to use that had all of the spaces available for them to write your name, etc. when I applied last year.
According to the timetable SUCOP started their interview was around end of August last year. They sent the first few interview invitations to ppl on the last friday of August which is tomorrow this yera (Aug 27!) and started their first interview round 2 weeks after.

I received the following email while back (Aug 12) from Dr. Facione, which was expected. I'm taking microbio right now. I really wish all of us here the best luck of getting interview invitation very soon! :thumbup:

This note will advise you that the Office of Student Affairs reactivated your application for the Class of 2014 some time back.
You are reminded, however, that in order to be considered for admission, you must complete a course in microbiology with a lab. Once you have completed that course, please order an official transcript sent directly to the College of Pharmacy,
Kind Regards,
Frank P. Facione, R.Ph. Ph.D.
Associate Professor and
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
College of Pharmacy
Sullivan University
West Campus
2100 Gardiner Lane
Louisville, KY 40205
[email protected]
According to the timetable SUCOP started their interview was around end of August last year. They sent the first few interview invitations to ppl on the last friday of August which is tomorrow this yera (Aug 27!) and started their first interview round 2 weeks after.

I received the following email while back (Aug 12) from Dr. Facione, which was expected. I'm taking microbio right now. I really wish all of us here the best luck of getting interview invitation very soon! :thumbup:]

hellp pinky,
so did u receive anything from SUCOP this year ?
when did u send ur appl ?
hellp pinky,
so did u receive anything from SUCOP this year ?
when did u send ur appl ?[/QUOTE]

I have not heard anything back since the email I posted.
I reactivated my application sometime in July.
I have not heard anything back since the email I posted.
I reactivated my application sometime in July.

thanks for sharing with us.
good luck to u and all of us.\. :luck::xf:
man, can't wait...:scared:
I have two questions for current students on some stuff I read in the student handbook.
1. Do males have to wear ties every day?
2. Can you have beverages (i.e. caffeine) in the classroom>

This might sound trite but have to admit the little things count.
I have two questions for current students on some stuff I read in the student handbook.
1. Do males have to wear ties every day?
2. Can you have beverages (i.e. caffeine) in the classroom>

This might sound trite but have to admit the little things count.
I was put off by the tie thing at first. But to be completely honest, by the second week, you really don't even think about it. So yes to #1. As for #2, the official rule is that we can only have water bottles in the classrooms.
Ugh about the ties. I like to dress up but I don't know too many medical professionals that wear ties every day unless they have some management responsibility. I've heard at other schools that they have official policies on drinks in the classroom but its not really enforced.

How is the curriculum structured? Is it a block format where you only study one subject for a couple of weeks and move to the next one or do you have several subjects spread throughout the day? What is the typical hours of a normal day?

Sorry for the questions but just trying to learn more.
Ugh about the ties. I like to dress up but I don't know too many medical professionals that wear ties every day unless they have some management responsibility. I've heard at other schools that they have official policies on drinks in the classroom but its not really enforced.

How is the curriculum structured? Is it a block format where you only study one subject for a couple of weeks and move to the next one or do you have several subjects spread throughout the day? What is the typical hours of a normal day?

Sorry for the questions but just trying to learn more.

The questions are fine. I personally believe a good fit between your expectations and the program of a school is important. We have multiple classes a day in different subjects. Subjects are alternated (ie mon/wed or tues/thurs). Friday is profession day. That day is used for a variety of things like guest speakers, review sessions, etc. The typical day seems to be about 9:30 to 3:30 with an hour lunch. However, there are some days you will get there earlier and some days you will stay later.

One thing I will note, with it being an accelerated program of 4 years of info being accomplished in three years, expect to study a lot if you are planning on having a good gpa. I'd estimate that I study at least 2-3 hrs a day on my light days and 8-10 on my heavy days.
Thanks Joe,

I'm looking at accelerated programs. I got accepted to South (Columbia) last year but I didn't like that 70% percent of the P1 year was distance learning from the main campus. Plus they were still in the midst of building their permanent structure in February and it all kinda scared me. Also accepted to ACP but they weren't able to get Stafford loans and only a couple of private financial institutions were going to finance me. All at rates b/t 9.2 and 11.3% plus you have to pay interest on the principal while you're a student. For me that was going to be at least $300 a month my P1 year and if they still can't get Staffords then it will go up. By the way, this was with my credit at 702 and my co-signer was at 745.

One reason I'm interested in Sullivan is that KY just passed a bill that will pay 15-16k a year on your tuition for every year you work in an economic area that is in poverty (mostly eastern KY). So working for 3 years would be roughly 45k. I can deal with that since I know the area and live about 10 miles on the VA side of KY.

The four courses of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology don't look fun. The first quarter looks good but from the Winter quarter on it looks like you're head better be screwed on straight with a take no prisoners attitude.
Thanks Joe,

I'm looking at accelerated programs. I got accepted to South (Columbia) last year but I didn't like that 70% percent of the P1 year was distance learning from the main campus. Plus they were still in the midst of building their permanent structure in February and it all kinda scared me. Also accepted to ACP but they weren't able to get Stafford loans and only a couple of private financial institutions were going to finance me. All at rates b/t 9.2 and 11.3% plus you have to pay interest on the principal while you're a student. For me that was going to be at least $300 a month my P1 year and if they still can't get Staffords then it will go up. By the way, this was with my credit at 702 and my co-signer was at 745.

One reason I'm interested in Sullivan is that KY just passed a bill that will pay 15-16k a year on your tuition for every year you work in an economic area that is in poverty (mostly eastern KY). So working for 3 years would be roughly 45k. I can deal with that since I know the area and live about 10 miles on the VA side of KY.

The four courses of Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology don't look fun. The first quarter looks good but from the Winter quarter on it looks like you're head better be screwed on straight with a take no prisoners attitude.

Did that finally get passed? I know I was looking for info on it not that long ago and couldn't find where it was enacted for pharmacists. I saw only doctors and a few other health care professionals. I'm definitely looking into it.

It is pretty tough, but to give you an insight....
I work anywhere from 8 to 16 hours/wk and maybe another shift here or there if someone calls off or something, and I still have decent grades (mostly A's) in my classes. There are weeks where your schedule makes you want to die, but for the most part it isn't any different than taking summer class (or at least it isn't any different for me). It moves fast, but you have a lot of assistance if you need to use it. They're not trying to fail you, they want everyone to succeed and graduate. So if it looks scary now, just trust me. It isn't. It just moves very fast, and that's what makes it seem so hectic. Your classes are way more interesting, and I've noticed that I've been absorbing everything like a sponge. The classes are tough, yes, but you'll like the material and there are lots of things to help with understanding of the material. Most profs have a somewhat open door policy, which is what I utilize that most.
has anyone heard anything yet?? is there any body know when the adcom starts to interview ?? I am still waiting.:(:(:(:(:(:(
when did the adcom start to interview last year ? anyone knows ?
can't really concentrate on this waiting game.
last year first interview was sept.11th and interview invites came out august 28th.. they are really behind this yr. =(
Hi, did you guys actually went into the studio and took the passport style photos?
has anyone heard anything yet?? is there any body know when the adcom starts to interview ?? I am still waiting.:(:(:(:(:(
has anyone heard anything yet?? is there any body know when the adcom starts to interview ?? I am still waiting.:(:(:(:(:(

wow. they must be kidding. It's hard to believe no one here hasn't heard of anything about the interview still.. Either they're really slackin' or receiving too many applications to go through. Another week is passing by..and here comes the weekend. The wait is killin' me softly. LOL

In a meantime, Enjoy the weekend.! GO COCKS! BEAT THE BULLDOGS!
Finals are next week and then two weeks of a break for students after that. I'm suspecting that adcom might make use of the down time for apps, but I'm only speculating.
wow. they must be kidding. It's hard to believe no one here hasn't heard of anything about the interview still.. Either they're really slackin' or receiving too many applications to go through. Another week is passing by..and here comes the weekend. The wait is killin' me softly. LOL

In a meantime, Enjoy the weekend.! GO COCKS! BEAT THE BULLDOGS!

Kinda ridiculous if you ask me.:mad: