Summer Graduation

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7+ Year Member
Mar 16, 2015
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Hey guys,
This might vary from school to school, but I was hoping someone can help me with this; I will be graduating summer of 2018 and my official transcript which states that I have graduated will be released in August. Will that prevent me from joining Dental school?
Will schools require my final transcript before August?

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Hey guys,
This might vary from school to school, but I was hoping someone can help me with this; I will be graduating summer of 2018 and my official transcript which states that I have graduated will be released in August. Will that prevent me from joining Dental school?
Will schools require my final transcript before August?
All the schools that I know their policy on this (which I'll admit aren't many) required final transcripts at the end of "spring semester" which they considered April/May (I put that in quotes because my spring semester ended in July). Because of that, I had to cram my last two semesters worth of classes into one.
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