I'm a second-year fellow at Lurie/Northwestern, and have had a very positive training experience. There have been a couple important changes in the past few years, with Dr. Sadhu taking over for the longtime PD, Dr. Dulcan (who still supervises and teaches fellows), Dr. Walkup joining as Chair from Columbia, and Dr. Janssen as Vice Chair from NYU. I think they've all helped to push for changes that have improved the fellow experience (mainly by eliminating overnight in-house call, expanding the faculty, and adding new clinical opportunities).
The fellowship class size expanded from four to six last year, so we now have twelve total fellows. Based on feedback from our class, the current first-year fellows have four months of inpatient unit, four months of partial hospital program, and four months of C/L (we had 6 IPU and 3 each of PHP and C/L). These are split into 2-month blocks, so they have six 2-month blocks for the year, and rotate through those three intensive services. The inpatient unit experience is busy, and with COVID there wasn't the usual summer decrease in admissions, but it's at one of the top children's hospitals in the country, so we get the opportunity to work with some rare and severe cases. The inpatient attending, Dr. Cummins, has been there for decades and is a trove of knowledge. It's challenging, and I think it makes for excellent clinical skill-building. The CAP1 year also has a limited number of outpatients with supervision. Second year is mostly outpatient work, with a couple days for electives, and a couple of rotations that we do for a number of months (neuropsychiatry clinic, neurology, parent management training group, unified protocol group, juvenile court clinic, etc.). We have call both years, but there's no in-person overnight call, and we have 4 weekends of calls per year with the rest off. Call is mostly doing admissions to the inpatient unit or, less often, urgent C/L coverage. We don't have to round on anyone on call weekends unless a C/L follow-up is urgent. It's many, many times easier than my call experience in residency.
I would also recommend checking out the videos on the program page, too, they're new this year since interviews aren't on-site:
Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship