To everyone who hasn't gotten in yet: this rally thread is for you

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10+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Anyone else who I am forgetting...

Just remember these words of wisdom:

Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no! And it ain't over now. 'Cause when the goin' gets tough... the tough get goin'! Who's with me? Let's go!

What the **** happened to the Delta I used to know? Where's the spirit? Where's the guts, huh? "Ooh, we're afraid to go with you Bluto, we might get in trouble." Well just kiss my *** from now on! Not me! I'm not gonna take this.

And I give you the greatest music video ever made:


Getting a little down on yourself? Well just remember what Oddball says:

And just pretend this is SDN singing to you:

We're never gonna give you up.

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lovin' on ya a little bit TT.
the song rocked me and made me think of my friend I interviewed with who also doesn't know....alicat318. she is beautiful and is a louisiana girl. what a totally deserving person....hyperinteresting and didn't think she was. but she was over all the click gals. she was amazing and i loved it that she was just like "I'm alicat, who are you??". she and i are WAITING!!!! lots of hand holding cuz it may be MONDAY....GEEZ!

how did you know what to do, man?
told ya relational medicine, dude.
you are sensitive and understand what we are going through out here in the aether.......
thanks, TT. one of these days you'll make a fine doctor. so here goes my promise:
I'll never sick my cousin on ya. PROMISE!! EVER!! Even if you piss me off!:love:
What, exactly, is "relational medicine"?

Is that where you have relations with your patients? Because I'm pretty sure that is against the rules.
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hey add me to that list!!

I'll tell you one thing - this whole process really makes you prioritize and put your life in check. For one, I know that I'd been losing my faith for awhile, but the application process has given me new found strength, and has really taken me back into saying my prayers and believing. I'm saying a prayer for all of you!!
What, exactly, is "relational medicine"?

Is that where you have relations with your patients? Because I'm pretty sure that is against the rules.
:laugh::laugh:laughing over here:laugh::laugh:
Well, I dated a pulmonologist in Pittsburgh when I was there who saw 93 emphysema patients a day, average, sometimes up to 110 patients. When I say "saw" I mean he looked at the part of the chart that says "Physician's Notes" and then signed for another day, or changed it a bit. He prescribed the same 27 medicines for just about all the patients he saw in the hospital, rote, every day, like clockwork. He was finished by around 11:30 every morning with these patients, then golfed or went home.

Never met a single one of the patients suffering from emphysema, unless something went wrong with the meds.

Just signed off on their meds.

Relational medicine is when you actually meet a patient face to face, and maybe see him or her once, twice, maybe three times, and understand a bit of the human pathos. Understand a bit of the human element. Have the opportunity to fire him if he is too belligerent or demanding.

I think you'd be a grand person to see walking into the patient room at 7AM saying "How are you today, Harvey?"

That's all...
You know it too.......

Thanks for being that way. You can't deny it.
So you had relations with a pulmonologist, and he didn't get in trouble? That sounds like something I will have to look into.
Bluto: [thrusting six-pack into Flounder's hands] My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.
Otter: Better listen to him, Flounder, he's in pre-med.
D-Day: [firing up blow-torch] There you go now, just leave everything to me. :boom:
As someone who has personally benefitted from the power of the TT rally thread two times--- Please do not underestimate the power of the rally thread, go out into the world, interview your heart out and carry the power of the rally to do good unto the Osteopathic World

....Best of luck.........let the force be with you
good luck everyone, there have been plenty of late acceptances so don't give up hope.
I see where I rank in people's memories..don't forget about me. :( hmmph! I need all the help that I can get.
Good luck everyone. I know how grueling this whole application process is but with a little bit of prayer and a rally thread, anything is possible. :luck:
I see where I rank in people's memories..don't forget about me. :( hmmph! I need all the help that I can get.
dancin' you know it baby....
i've been watching ya...
good luck, runner898
you are not in the position to hmmph if someone on here loves ya........:clap::banana::biglove::clap::zip::love::banana:
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I see where I rank in people's memories..don't forget about me. :( hmmph! I need all the help that I can get.

Hey I just opened this thread and you were the first person I thought of to add. So don't worry, you do rank right up there. ;)
Hey I just opened this thread and you were the first person I thought of to add. So don't worry, you do rank right up there. ;)
yeah she does and doesn't even know it. thanks eel08. you are a gorgeous human being.

I'll add my name to the list. I'm a reapplicant so I've been waiting about two years for an acceptance :D. I should be hearing back from NYCOM and UMDNJ within the next couple weeks.
I'll add my name to the list. I'm a reapplicant so I've been waiting about two years for an acceptance :D. I should be hearing back from NYCOM and UMDNJ within the next couple weeks.

hey, GOOD LUCK!!!!
yeah she does and doesn't even know it. thanks eel08. you are a gorgeous human being.


Awww thanks. :oops: By the way, just in case anyone is feeling down sherruns acceptance vibes are very strong.

Channelling Yoda:
Acceptance vibes in sherruns are strong they are.
[youtube][/youtube] Do, or do not. There is no try. Around the survivors a perimeter create.
Thanks for the vibes sherruns. Most everyone on SDN are too kind and helpful, well minus those darn trolls that put down DOs so much :laugh:.
Okay I wasn't sure where to put this but for any of you on facebook I added more pictures of my kids!!
Okay I wasn't sure where to put this but for any of you on facebook I added more pictures of my kids!!

What is your facebook name?
What is your facebook name?

Oh yeah. Just look me up under Deirdre (that's my name by the way). I'll be the one with a pic of my kids as my picture thingie. I go by Dee Dee, to formally introduce myself I guess. ;)
Oh yeah. Just look me up under Deirdre (that's my name by the way). I'll be the one with a pic of my kids as my picture thingie. I go by Dee Dee, to formally introduce myself I guess. ;)

I've been away for a while and didn't know until now that you got in. Congratulations!

Good luck to everyone else. Hang in there. You can do it!


(add yourself here)
No you won't. I've got it all taken care of.

I strangely believe you...but am hesitant to investigate what type of trickery you possess to have a firm handle on such power.
hope youre not planning to off an accepted student at GA-PCOM to open up a seat~!
the Godfather meets the world of med school applicants.
Awesome thread; things like this make the whole process much more bearable :) Good luck to all of those still in the fight.
hate to be picky but the germans never bombed pearl harbor- the japanese did.


(add yourself here)
I'm so glad this thread was made for everyone who didn't get their own thread and I really hope all of you get in this year. I will be thinking about all ya'll. :D Tex, does your special rally power happen to work with selling houses?
hate to be picky but the germans never bombed pearl harbor- the japanese did.

haha!! but Bluto is always right!!!
(the German thing is a famous quote from Animal House)
Thanks a lot everyone. I really hope to hear good news from somewhere.

TT, if I get in, we need to meet up in Austin somewhere so I can buy you a beer for possessing magical rally powers. :)
TT, even though you weren't thinking about me when making this thread, it was definitely very thoughtful of you to make this thread for all of us still waiting to hear, both named and unnamed. Very generous of you to think about those of us still waiting after you have an acceptance! Thanks :D
Hang in there you guys! A friend of mine was offered his seat 2 days before school started.
Have faith and everything WILL work out!:thumbup:
Thanks Paramediclizard. It's really been hard to wait. Hopefully we'll find out something tomorrow. :luck:*****KEEPING FINGERS & TOES CROSSED*****:luck:
Thanks Paramediclizard. It's really been hard to wait. Hopefully we'll find out something tomorrow. :luck:*****KEEPING FINGERS & TOES CROSSED*****:luck:

I know the feeling. It wasn't so long ago where I was in your shoes. You just keep the faith. I know it's super frustrating, but your time will come. I'm keeping you in my thoughts. Take care!:thumbup:
Just wanted to say Good Luck to everyone still waiting to get in this year! I was in your shoes a little less than 2 months ago, so I feel your pain! All my love and well wishes to you guys!
I'm so glad this thread was made for everyone who didn't get their own thread and I really hope all of you get in this year. I will be thinking about all ya'll. :D Tex, does your special rally power happen to work with selling houses?

If it does work for selling houses, please please send some of that rally power my way!!

Seriously, to all of those still waiting just hang on!!!! All of those jerk-offs holding more than one spot will soon have to finally make up their minds, so seats will open up!

TT's rally 'force' is with you now! Be the force, let it flow through you and guide you into acceptances. (OMG, sheruns you put StarWars in my head!)

Now I have yoda stuck in my head, thanks!!

Just wanted to say Good Luck to everyone still waiting to get in this year! I was in your shoes a little less than 2 months ago, so I feel your pain! All my love and well wishes to you guys!
+192838890408801081!!! It was back in Nov/Dec. for me, but all of us have been where you are. :luck::luck: To all of you!!
Kate and Rose:
Thanks you guys for the support. It's coming DOWN TO THE WIRE!!! There's claw marks all over my walls from all the anxiety:scared::scared::scared::scared:!!
Just found out today that I am on the wait list at TUCOM NV. So the wait continues...
Just found out today that I am on the wait list at TUCOM NV. So the wait continues...

you didn't want to go there anyways, Nevada, blah.....they were afraid if they accepted you outright all of the other students would be so jealous of you they would drop out because they knew they would never be able to compete
Add me to the list please. I interview at LECOM Erie this Friday and KCUMB on April 14th. I am still waiting to hear from AZCOM, DMUCOM, and PCOM about an interview. I was complete in November, but I retook the MCAT in January. All of the schools were waiting for the new score.

I get to Erie at 6:20pm on Thursday. I am so excited!!!
Add me to the list please. I interview at LECOM Erie this Friday and KCUMB on April 14th. I am still waiting to hear from AZCOM, DMUCOM, and PCOM about an interview. I was complete in November, but I retook the MCAT in January. All of the schools were waiting for the new score.

I get to Erie at 6:20pm on Thursday. I am so excited!!!

strong vibes for ya!