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Dec 24, 2014
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I am currently a student at Midwestern University School of Dental Medicine Illinois. I have an opportunity to transfer to Tufts University School of Dental Medicine for my third and fourth year. I am in good standing at my school and love the program here. I want to transfer to be closer to family.

Pros to Transfer:
  • better clinical experience?
  • closer to family
  • better research opportunities

Cons to transfer:
  • I love my class here and have settled in well with everybody
  • Not sure how I will adjust
  • current school seems a lot more laid back than other dental schools

- I am wondering if it is a wise decision if I am already set here.
- Anybody know of anybody or heard of people transferring dental schools (specifically Tufts)
- Any other factors I should be considering

Thank you!

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Instead of opening that can of worms why don't you just tough it out for your last two years? Why risk your good standing with your current school? After you graduate, go practice in MA and be closer to your family.
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Just do it if being close to family means that much to you. Just know that the transition might be a little bit difficult
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I do not recommend. We are already starting to get shortage of patients at Tufts.

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I do not recommend. We are already starting to get shortage of patients at Tufts.

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I guess thats a problem at most dental schools. What is the faculty like? How is the clinical experience? Does the school help with specialty programs?