I love me a SDN gun thread as much as the next gun-totin' real 'merican, but I do feel a bit vaguely off about turning this particular thread into one.
1. go live somewhere safer.
2. get some decent locks and a dog.
3. dispense with John Wayne fantasy.
1 is maybe a good answer for people with money, but it isn't a good answer to most people.
2 I totally agree with.
3 is weird, I agree there are some gun owners with delusions of kitchen combat grandeur, but honestly, anyone who owns a gun for the purpose of self defense needs to think, in advance, about how they will react to dangerous confrontations. It's the only responsible thing to do. Is that imagining/thinking, scenario analysis and discussion, consideration of risk and consequence, deserving of the term "fantasizing"? No. It's responsible mental preparation for the very short moment when the person will be forced to make a life altering decision.
by the way - why can't guns have a finger print reader so they can only be fired by the registered owner?
Because such systems are unreliable when they need to work.
How many times has the fingerprint sensor on your phone or the scrub machine or drug locker needed a couple tries to work? And those are ideal conditions.
Now add stress, varying grip strength on the firearm, varying grip angle, cold hands, hot hands, sweaty hands, bloody hands, an attacker actively trying to remove your hands from the gun ...
It's trivially easy to see why these systems are wholly inappropriate, and a silly fantasy from the gun control side who know nothing about guns and have no objective other than to make firearms more costly, less reliable, more difficult to use, and less attractive to own.
To say nothing of the added cost and complexity.
There is a reason why police and military don't use such devices, and why the police are always exempted when laws are attempted to create a biometric or RFID requirement. Because the bottom line is that they need their guns to fire when they need them to, and not later, after a couple extra tries and some troubleshooting.
This is not an issue that can be solved with newer or better technology. Biometric/RFID "safeties" are simply ways to break firearms and make them unsuitable for their intended use.